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09-10-05 周末的早晨,本该是学生和上班族们在家补觉的时间,可是在公交车上总是能看到一对对母女、祖孙、父子或母子们背着书包,拎着琴盒、画板之类的物件奔向某个班的上课地点。现在的孩子真累!身边很多同龄人都这样感叹过。没办法,谁叫他们赶上hurried child syndrome的盛...
09-09-29 我拿起那条链子。她用双手接过它,向前探了探身,在我的脖子后把简易的项链钩系好。然后她向后退了几步,好像在看看是否合适。我低下头看着闪闪发亮的玻璃珠和已失去光泽的金色链子,然后抬起头望着她。我很认真地轻声说道:哦,玛丽亚,这链子真漂亮。你妈妈一定会喜...
09-09-21 the westin resort, aruba. a luxury resort on the dutch caribbean island of aruba is offering amorous couples a discount of around 180 on a future booking if they conceive a child during their holiday. a luxury resort on the dutch caribbean island of...
09-09-13 the un children's agency says child mortality is decreasing, but the rate of decline is not enough. 联合儿童署称儿童死亡率在下降,但是下降率仍不够。 unicef says preventable diseases are the biggest killers of children a new report says more than eig...
09-09-02 children seriously ill because their immune systems have genetic flaws could have their lives saved by a safer form of bone marrow transplant, doctors say. 医生称,因基因缺陷导致病重的儿童可以通过更为安全的骨髓移植的方法来治疗。 without treatment, a...
09-08-18 three in four parents are risking their child's eyesight by exposing them to bright sun without appropriate protection, experts warn. 专家警告道,四分之三的父母将自己的孩子的双眼直接曝与日光之下而没有任何保护。 some children may resist wearing sungl...
09-08-17 genetic flaws that increase the risk of the most common form of childhood leukaemia have been uncovered by british scientists. 英国科学家发现导致儿童时期最普遍的白血球过多症风险的基因缺陷。 leukaemia is the most common childhood cancer the three var...
09-08-16 nicolas sarkozy and carla bruni-sarkozy are planning to have their first child together in 2011 to aid the french president's chances of clinching a second term the following year, a french magazine is speculating. rumours that france's first couple...
09-08-14 one in five young teenagers suffer headaches at least once a week, say researchers. 研究人员称,五分之一的青少年遭受头痛之苦至少一星期一次。 children and teenagers may not seek help for headaches of 1,000 12-15 year olds in exeter questioned for the...
09-07-23 researchers have confirmed what parents have long believed - running around in the day means your child may well fall asleep faster at night. 研究人员证实了父母们长期以来相信的一件事:孩子白天出去玩一天意味着晚上可以快速入睡。 he may not have had en...