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13-03-04 a new york couple expecting their first child have been killed in a car crash on their way to hospital, but the unborn baby survived the accident. 纽约一对新生儿夫妇在去医院的路上死于车祸,但是他们的孩子却在车祸中幸免于难。 nachman and raizy glauber...
13-02-14 the cost of raising a child has hit an all-time high, according to a new report, heaping pressure on families already coping with cuts to child benefit. 据最新报道,英国育儿成本再创新高。英国之前已经削减了儿童津贴,而育儿成本的上升更加重了养育子女的...
13-01-23 veronica was an only child. even as a child, she decided that she was going to be a doctor. all her dolls became her patients. all her dollhouses became hospitals for her patients. she spent her early childhood treating her patients for all kinds of...
12-12-05 the traditional holidays in our house when i was a child were spent timing elaborate(精心制作的) meals around football games. my father tried to make pleasant chitchat and eat as much as he could during halftime. at christmas he found time to have...
12-11-27 hourly dad (or hired dad) is a newly created term where a man is hired to take a child to and from school, play games and work out with the child. he is paid by the hour and doesn't need to help the child with his/her homework. 钟点爸爸是一个新兴职...
12-11-06 by spending too much time with your nose in a book, reading how-to articles online, or watching video tutorials you will hurt the speed of your learning by not putting yourself out there, trying to do great work, failing, and then getting better. so...
12-11-05 a small boy has died after falling into an enclosure of african wild dogs at a zoo in the us city of pittsburgh. 美国城市匹兹堡一座公园内,一个小男孩落入饲养非洲豺狗的围墙后死亡。 the child, said to have been aged about three, had been on an outing...
12-10-21 nearly two million drivers in the uk have had accidents due to 'baby on board' signs and children's toys that obscure their view, according to alarming new research. 最新研究表明,英国有大约200万名司机曾因车贴和儿童玩具发生过交通事故。这些写有车里有...
12-10-21 印度一位96岁的老翁近日喜迎第二个儿子的降生,成为世界上最老的新生儿父亲,孩子的母亲现年52岁。两年前,他们的第一个儿子出生时,他就打破了当时同样由一位印度人保持的世界纪录,那位印度老者在90岁时迎来自己第21个孩子。 ramajit raghav,96, and his 52-year-old...
12-09-17 有两项独立研究显示,911恐怖袭击对鲸鱼活动产生了积极的影响,而对很多当时尚未出生的婴儿则产生了负面效应。 the tragic events of september 11, 2001 changed the world forever. but 11 years after the terrorist attacks, a number of strange byproducts of th...