
  • 13-07-31 精彩对白 celine: i'm gonna call my friend in paris who i'm supposed to have lunch with in eight hours. ok? jesse: ok. celine: pick up. pick up the phone . jesse: all right. hello. i've been working on my english. you wanna talk in english, for laugh...

  • 12-12-28 a brown bag seminar or session is generally a training or information session during a lunch break. brown bag is a symbol for meals brought along by the attendees, or provided by the host. in the usa, those are often packed in brown paper bags. brow...

  • 12-07-19 lunch phobia is a new buzzword widely spread on the internet. symptoms include: not knowing what to eat and not knowing who to eat with. 午饭恐惧症是网络盛行的流行词汇之一,主要症状表现为:不知吃点什么好,更不知道该跟谁吃。 many employees have to ea...

  • 12-04-26 if you have ever gone through a toll booth, you know that your relationship to the person in the booth is not the most intimate you'll ever have. it is one of life's frequent non-encounters: you hand over some money; you might get change; you drive...

  • 《道林·格雷》六

    11-07-05 影片对白: victor: a visitor, sir. gray: to what do i owe the pleasure? emily: i thought you might like to join me for lunch. gray: no, i don't think... emily: i made a picnic. gray: yes, well, i'm afraid i...i'd rather stay at home today. emily: se...

  • 11-03-08 a hike was the perfect order of the day. the boys were excited about the idea. it would be a good workout(锻炼,练习) and it would be good to be together. we planned to leave immediately after lunch. i noticed daniel, who will be ten in november,...

  • 11-01-20 some amoebae(变形虫) do what many people do. before they travel, they pack a lunch. in results of a study reported today in the journal nature, evolutionary biologists joan strassmann and david queller of rice university show that long-studied soc...

  • 10-12-16 一般来说,只要有写字楼的地方,周边就会有很多餐馆,而且不论菜品好坏,到了午饭时间,公司白领们都会三五成群地前去捧...

  • 10-07-19 it's his fault billy and bobby were small boys. they were brothers, and they often had fights with each other. last saturday their mother said to them, i'm going to cook our lunch now. go out and play in the garden and be good. yes, mummy, the two b...

  • 10-05-22 warren buffett is again auctioning a steak lunch to benefit a san francisco charity, after last year's bidding failed to generate a record bid for the first time since 2004. 股神沃伦巴菲特将再次拍卖慈善牛排午餐,为旧金山一家慈善机构筹集资金。去年,...
