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23-01-29 最新一项研究表明,在极端温度下工作的孕妇,热应激可能会对她们腹中的胎儿产生影响。其影响包括胎儿心率加快和脐带血流减慢。 this study monitored pregnant women who were working in rice fields in the gambia. they were farming in direct sun for between two...
22-10-21 在疫情和通胀的双重影响下,美国各地尤其是乡村地区的托育危机愈发严重。美国有11个州至少有60%的居民地处托育荒漠,找不到托幼机构的父母们只能被迫辞职或从事兼职工作。 a shortage of child care in the us has become so acute that it's reaching far into rural...
22-10-17 sittng in the wicker rocking chair with her interrupted work in her lap, amaranta watched aureliano, jos , his chin covered with foam, stropping his razor to give himself his first shave. his blackheads bled and he cut his upper lip as he tried to s...
22-09-08 mother gothel froze. her mind ran wild. her secret was finally exposed. desperately, she tried to regain control, saying brusquely, rapunzel, do you even hear yourself? why would you ask such a ridiculous question? rapunzel walked past mother gothel...
22-09-08 rapunzel gasped as she stared at the shadowed figure of mother gothel. hello, dear, mother gothel said. what ... what are you doing here? rapunzel said, fumbling for words. i mean, how did you find me? mother gothel walked up to rapunzel and gave he...
22-08-26 1. 全部的身家性命 伯爵对母亲说,自己这一生的精力都倾注在唐顿庄园上。因为伯爵有三个女儿,所以他把唐顿庄园看作自己的第四个孩子。 it is my third parent and my fourth child. 这是我全部的身家性命(这大半辈子我含辛茹苦,呕心沥血。) 2. 画蛇添足/多此一举...
22-07-13 two years passed, and philip was nearly twelve. he was in the first form, within two or three places of the top, and after christmas when several boys would be leaving for the senior school he would be head boy. he had already quite a collection of...