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16-01-08 如果你做的某件事取得了成功,你会用什么手势来表示胜利?表示victory的剪刀手吗?这好像还不足以表达你的兴奋之情。那么,就一起来挥拳庆祝吧。 我们来看看权威的牛津词典和剑桥英语词典是怎么定义air punch的。 牛津词典解释: air punch is an act of thrusting one...
15-09-07 south korean president park geun-hye 's approval rating topped 50 percent for the first time in about 10 months after participating in the celebrations in beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of china's victory over japan in world war ii. 韩国总统朴...
15-09-07 the chestnut tree was almost empty. a ray of sunlight slanting through a window fell on dusty table-tops. it was the lonely hour of fifteen. a tinny music trickled from the telescreens. winston sat in his usual corner, gazing into an empty glass. no...
15-09-05 september 3rd is the official memorial day for china's victory in the war of resistance against japanese aggression. now, let's take a look at why september 3rd was chosen and made a national holiday. 9月3日是中国人民抗日战争胜利的官方纪念日。现在我...
15-08-20 south korean president park geun-hye will visit china next month to participate in the celebratory event to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the chinese people's war of resistance against japanese aggression, the presidential office cheon...
15-07-15 chinese president xi jinping called for more comprehensive and coordinated efforts to combat drugs, vowing that there would be no rest until a sweeping victory . 中国国家主席习近平呼吁全面加强禁毒工作,强化禁毒合作,并承诺不获全胜决不收兵。 获全胜可...
15-05-17 hello, everybody.today marks an historic anniversary -- 70 years since the allied victory in europe during world war ii.on v-e day after the nazi surrender, people swarmed the streets of london and paris and moscow, and the cloud of fear that had hu...
14-05-29 zeng zi saw zi xia and asked him, why have you gained weight? zi xia said, i had a victory, that is why i have gained weight. what victory do you refer to? zi xia said, when i immerged myself in reading books, i revered(崇敬) the principles of the...
11-11-30 chinese premier wen jiabao said the post-quake reconstruction effort in sichuan province has achieved its goals and registered a decisive victory during a recent inspection tour in the province. 温家宝总理近日在四川考察时表示,汶川地震灾后恢复重建实...
10-11-01 dilma rousseff has been elected president of brazil, succeeding luiz inacio lula da silva, electoral officials have confirmed. 巴西选举官员确认,迪尔玛罗塞芙取代路易斯伊纳西奥卢拉达席尔瓦成为巴西新任总统。 ms rousseff said the election of a woman wa...