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10-01-25 remarks of president barack obama as prepared for delivery weekly address january 16, 2010 over the past two years, more than seven million americans have lost their jobs. countless businesses have been forced to shut their doors. few families have...
10-01-09 money, or the lack of it, changes everything, and that includes how people will be working out in 2010. 钱或者没钱能够改变一切,这其中包括2010年人们锻炼身体的方式。 money, or the lack of it, changes everything, and that includes how people will be w...
10-01-03 almost a quarter of voters in iceland have signed a petition against plans to repay money lost by foreigners when an icelandic online bank collapsed. 冰岛将近四分之一的选民签署一项反对偿还因在线银行破产而造成外国客户损失的请愿书。 the icesave online...
09-12-28 the president: hello, everybody. hello! hello! (applause.) thank you guys. thank you. everybody, please have a seat. we've got a couple of special guests here today. first of all, the outstanding senator参议员 from the great commonwealth of virginia...
09-10-20 michael jackson's ex-wife debbie rowe is suing a woman for nearly $500,000 (316,000) over claims she wanted money rather than custody of her children. michael jackson前妻debbie rowe控诉一个妇女赔偿将近50万美元,该妇女称rowe比起她孩子的监护权更希望得...
09-09-29 as the taxi came to a screeching halt at a traffic light,i asked the driver,do you agree that 'time is money'? well,it's a very common saying.who will care so much about that?the driver answered . look,the digits in the meter are still running when...
09-09-16 the world's largest social networking site just got bigger with the announcement it has 300 million active monthly users from around the globe. 世界上最大的社交网络站点facebook宣布每月在全球范围内有3亿活跃用户。 facebook's audience has doubled since...
09-08-18 public services in the us city of chicago have been shut down for a day in an attempt to deal with a $300m (184m) budget deficit. 芝加哥城市公用服务设施关闭一天以试图解决3000万美元的财政赤字。 state workers will not be paid on the reduced service da...
09-07-25 a judge has ordered rapper nas to pay almost $40,000 (24,200) per month in support to estranged wife kelis - a day after she gave birth to their child. 一位法官命令说唱歌手nas每月付四万美元抚养费给他妻子kelis,kelis前一天生下了他们的孩子。 kelis fil...
09-07-23 private health checks offer poor value for money and can lead to painful and often possibly dangerous tests, a consumer group says. 一个消费团体表示,私人健康检查钱花的不值,可能会导致痛苦的甚至经常危险的检查。 an estimated 100m is spent on health m...