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09-11-04 it's one thing to love somebody, but it's another thing to tell him you love him. two years ago i had a best friend, we grew so close together. i always had had a crush on(爱着,迷恋) him, but i figured that it would be better if we stayed friends...
09-09-30 hi! my name is ashley. when i met bryan during the last year in college it was ugh at first sight. i thought he was the good-looking jock and acted kind of cocky. it only made him charming. how i eventually found out he thought i was a suck-up becau...
09-09-30 i fell in love with the minister's son the winter i turned fourteen. he was not chinese, but as white as mary in the manger. for christmas i prayed for this blond-haired boy, robert, and a slim new american nose. when i found out that my parents had...
09-09-29 真的有一见钟情这回事吗?为什么没有呢?当爱情来了的时候,那一刻无论如何,情侣们总会找到他们相互惺惺相惜之处。这也许就像他们都曾经读过同一本书,都在一个镇上出生一样平常。同时,他们又会看到双方性格上的互补。 have you ever known a married couple that ju...
09-09-29 我最终从这种迷失的困境中走了出来,寻得意外的收获:通过写作来表达自己。而直到后来我才发觉,这是我用另一种方式去理解父亲的一个桥梁。这种方式引导着我接近一种新的激情,这种激情是我和父亲共同享有的,但是过去我并不知道。 before they closed my fathers cask...
09-09-29 在那些浪漫被认为是必须的时刻,比如情人节、生日或者纪念日,我们应该记住,我们应该将感情与行为相区分。男人们也许不会做那些展现他和恋人一起度过的日子的剪贴簿,但是他们和女人们一样的去爱,忠诚,是的,这就是浪漫有时,他们甚至比女性更浪漫! we too often d...
09-09-29 我打电话给父亲问能不能下班后去看他,我向他保证花不了多长时间,最终他同意了。我一脚跨进门槛说:老爸,我来就是为了特地告诉你一声,我爱你。 听了这话,老爸似乎前后判若两人。只见他脸变得柔和起来,连皱纹似乎也消失了,他泣不成声,伸出手拥抱我说:儿子,我也...
09-09-29 昨天,这个女孩已是歇斯底里。她的父母正在打离婚战。她对我说她不想活了,然后双手紧捂着脸大声地喊没有人是爱我的。 我还以为你是想跟我谈乔纳森的事呢,我说道。 是啊,请听下去。她拂了下我的袖子接着说,今天乔纳森径直走向了那女孩儿,递给了她一束粉嫩可爱的花...
09-09-29 爱自己是一场毕生浪漫的开始。热爱一切使你之所以成为你自己的事物。你的价值,你的才能,你的回忆。你的服饰,你的悲伤。如果你爱自己,你就能在自信的跳板上跃入生活。如果你爱自己,你就能畅所欲言,所向披靡。 to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong rom...
09-07-29 a photo of kim hee sun and his husband. australian researchers have identified what it takes to keep a couple together, and it's a lot more than just being in love. living happily ever after needn't only be for fairy tales. australian researchers ha...