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09-10-20 agreeing a new global climate treaty looks more do-able after london talks between the big-emitting nations, uk climate secretary ed miliband has said. 英国气候变化部大臣ed miliband称,废气排放大国之间的伦敦谈话之后,达成一项全球气候协议看起来更加可...
09-10-19 the uk faces a catastrophe of floods, droughts and killer heatwaves if world leaders fail to agree a deal on climate change, the prime minister will warn. 英国首相警告道,如果世界首领就气候变化问题不能大成一致协议的话,英国将面临灾难性的洪水、干旱和...
09-10-11 a new historical record of carbon dioxide levels suggests current political targets on climate may be playing with fire, scientists say. 科学家称,一个新的二氧化碳含量历史记录显示现行的气候政治目标可能是玩火。 data came from samples brought up by th...
09-09-23 un secretary general ban ki-moon says a one-day climate change summit in new york has given fresh impetus to efforts to tackle global warming. 联合国秘书长潘基文称,纽约一日气候变化峰会对解决全球变暖起到了新的推动作用。 ban ki-moon, right, praised w...
09-09-16 climate change will be a serious barrier to growth in poorer nations and must be curbed, says the world bank. 世界银行表示,气候变化将是贫穷国家经济增长的一个重要障碍,必须要想方设法补救。 extreme weather is straining poorer countries' finances, the...
09-09-16 failure to agree a new un climate deal in december will bring a global health catastrophe, say 18 of the world's professional medical organisations. 世界专业医疗组织称,12月之前就联合国的气候协议达不成一致共识的话将会带来全球健康的灾难。 changing fu...
09-09-03 current climate targets are not enough to save the world's coral reefs - and policymakers urgently need to consider the economic benefits they bring. 现有的环境气候保护目标不足以保护世界上的珊瑚礁,政府决策人员迫切需要考虑珊瑚礁带来的经济利益。 cora...
09-08-28 protecting societies against the impacts of climate change will be much more expensive than previously believed, according to a new analysis. 一项新的分析显示,保护社会免受气候变化带来的影响所耗费的钱财比先前预算的多很多。 in 2007, the un climate co...
09-08-11 time is running short to agree a new treaty on global warming amid deep divisions over key issues, according to the un's top climate official. 英国首席气候官员称,在全球变暖关键问题上的分歧必须尽快解决以保护环境。 there are demands for china and ind...
09-07-20 us secretary of state hillary clinton is due to meet indian prime minister manmohan singh, as part of her visit to the country. 美国国务卿hillary clinton在印度之行将会按照计划会见印度总理manmohan singh。 mrs clinton is keen to sign lucrative trade d...