
  • 中美双方就媒体问题达成三项共识

    21-11-18 中美双方在11月16日元首视频会晤前,就媒体问题达成三项共识。在11月17日举行的外交部例行记者会上,发言人赵立坚应询对此作进一步介绍。 赵立坚说, 中方高度重视媒体问题,一直尽最大努力为包括美国在内的外国记者在华依法依规报道提供协助、便利和服务。与此同时,...

  • mediator 和事佬

    21-11-15 面对纠纷时,很多人或许都在无意间扮演或充当过一个角色和事老。 和事老,也写作和事佬,字面意思是调停争端的人(mediator, someone who tries to bring peace)。和事指平息事件或争端、调节纷争(mediate, make peace),佬表示成年男子(guy, fellow)。 和事老通...

  • to flag up 引起注意

    21-08-04 英语短语 to flag something up 的意思是强调某事的重要性或把问题提出来让大家都知道。 例句 at the meeting martin flagged up the issue of late payments. he said that we hadnt paid our suppliers for three months. there are a couple of points that id like...

  • put their heads together 集思广益,出谋划策

    21-07-15 英语表达put their heads together 把脑袋聚在一起很形象地描述了两人或多人工作时为一件事商谈、出谋划策的场景。根据会话中所指对象和人群的不同,我们还可以说 put our heads together 或 put your heads together。 例句 more than a hundred delegates will put t...

  • not see eye to eye 意见相左

    21-02-08 意见相左,意思是想法不同、意见不合,相左表示不一致。可以翻译为conflict with each other或disagree in opinion。或用not see eye to eye表示,意思是to not agree,to not share a position or opinion with someone。 例句: 首相在这个问题上与他意见相左。 the...

  • 首期去裸体化《花花公子》发售

    16-02-13 playboy has covered up! 《花花公子》也从良啦! the first nude-free issue of the 63-year-old men's magazine was released to the public on thursday. the cover of the march issue features instagram-famous model sarah mcdaniel simulating a sexy snapchat...

  • 出版业词汇2

    13-02-19 ana 语录,丛谈,名言集,回忆录 annals 编年史 annals of local history 地方志 annotation 注释,注解 announcement of forthcoming books 新书预告 annual 年刊 annual issue 年报 anonymous classic 无名经典著作 analects 论集,文选 ancient books 古籍 ancient...

  • income gap 收入差距

    11-10-11 he vowed that the cppcc would give its full attention to factors affecting social stability that have their source in the excessive income gap , and offer solutions and suggestions on adjusting the pattern of national income distribution. 他(贾庆林...

  • 精神分裂症病人脑部血流途径异于常人

    10-05-27 researchers in germany have used a magnetic resonance imaging ( mri核磁共振成像 ) technique called continuous arterial spin labeling (casl) to map cerebral(大脑的) blood flow patterns in schizophrenic(精神分裂症的) patients quickly and without u...

  • 《花花公子》将推出3d版

    10-05-15 playboy readers are going to need glasses for a close look at the upcoming issue of the magazine -- 3-d glasses. 看最新一期《花花公子》杂志的人需要一副3d眼镜。 file photo of a playboy cover. the centerfold picture in the june edition of playboy will...
