英语考试 / 口译笔译-凯发k8官网

日期:2020-08-13 滚雪球,字面意思是指雪球在雪中滚动,越滚越大。现在常用来比喻越活动越发展的事物,迅速增长( rapidly increase and grow),可以用snowball表示。常见表述如:滚雪球式的发展(develop like a snowball)。 例句: 要求增设新学校的请愿书上签名的人像滚雪球似的越... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-08-13 洗心革面,汉语成语,意思是去除旧思想,改变旧面貌,比喻彻底悔改。与英文俚语turn over a new leaf意思相近,表示to reform and begin again;to change ones behavior, usually in a positive way。 例句: 洗心革面,迷途知返 repent ones errors and turn over a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-08-13 国务院办公厅日前印发通知,要求切实做好长江流域禁捕有关工作以及退捕渔民安置保障工作。通知提出,长江流域禁捕是保护长江和加强生态文明建设的重要举措,沿江各地政府和各有关部门要细化完善各项政策措施,全面抓好落实。 china called for solid efforts to implem... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-08-13 工业和信息化部表示,我国将建设国家工业互联网大数据中心,加强对中国工业互联网公司海外上市的监管和协调。 china will build a national data center for the industrial internet and strengthen the supervision and coordination of overseas listings of chines... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-08-13 中央网信办、农业农村部、国家发展改革委等七部门日前联合印发《关于开展国家数字乡村试点工作的通知》,试点工作包括,数字乡村整体规划设计、完善乡村新一代信息基础设施、探索乡村数字经济新业态,以及探索乡村数字治理新模式等。 chinese authorities have issued... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-03-25 education now only accounts for 4 percent of the countrys total expenditures. by comparison, the figure in some developed countries is around 10 percent. we also have a sore lack of government investment in preschool eduction, which should be enhanc... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-03-25 as an educator with more than 40 years of experience, i believe that family is the first school for children. parents are the first teachers for their children, and family education is vital in terms of cultivating childrens minds and adaptability.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-03-25 many countries, such as france, japan and the us, celebrate both their own reading festivals and the world reading day, and that china should follow the trend, especially when its population reads far less than other countries. reading plays a criti... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-03-25 currently, the biggest concern and challenge for the ministry of education is the safety of students. we have more than 200 million students across the country and we care about every one of them. any accident befalling one of our students breaks ou... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-03-25 if we use the national college entrance exam as the sole criterion to evaluate every student, it will inevitably end up being an unequal foot race. if we want everyone to have a fair chance to shine, we have to let them choose to run or to swim base... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-03-25 加大对煽动分裂国家、组织领导参加恐怖组织、传播暴力恐怖音视频等犯罪的打击力度。 the courts stepped up efforts against criminals who instigated secessionist activities; who led, organized and took part in terrorist groups; and who spread video and aud...

日期:2016-03-25 2013年核查出的羁押3年以上未结案的4459人下降到6人。 the number of suspects, placed in custody for more than three years without being charged, reduced from 4,459 in 2013 to six by 2015. 自2014年10月开展专项行动以来,已从34个国家和地区遣返、劝返外逃职...

日期:2016-03-21 chinese schools put too much stress on knowledge and technique but neglect the basic values of how to be a human being. teaching materials that are currently used in moral education courses are outdated. we have forgotten many old traditional values...

日期:2016-03-21 why nowadays are most tv series costume dramas and period dramas? because it's too difficult to put a drama that reflects reality onto the screen. i created a tv drama, one family from wenzhou, which tells the story of how a family from zhejiang pro...

日期:2016-03-21 the current education system, which comprises three years in preschool, six years in primary school, six years in middle school, four years as an undergraduate and three years of graduate study, is a bit too long. it's a burden for both students and...

日期:2016-03-21 the number of beds in nursing institutions and community day-care centers nationwide has reached 6.69 million, realizing the target set in the 12th five-year plan (2011-2015). the average number of nursing beds for per 1,000 seniors is 30.2. by the...

日期:2016-03-21 china plans to renovate 20 million units in its shantytowns during the 13th five-year plan period (2016-20), which is an unprecedented number, but chen has high confidence in the initial preparations. the 2016 plans for the shantytown renovations ar...

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