
  • 埃及直播法老木乃伊搬家

    21-04-06 4月3日晚,埃及首都开罗上演了一场史诗级盛大仪式法老的金色游行(the pharaohs golden parade)。 仪式的主角是22具古埃及法老和王后木乃伊,一列金色车队将他们从始建于1858年的埃及国家博物馆转移至新建的埃及文明博物馆,电视和流媒体全程直播。 晚8时许,在军乐队...

  • 中国将举行建国70周年大阅兵

    19-08-29 china on thursday unveiled its celebration plan to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the peoples republic of china (prc) on the national day, october 1 in beijing. 本周四,中国公布建国70周年庆祝计划。 wang xiaohui, executive deputy head o...

  • 朝鲜举行建军70周年阅兵

    18-02-09 the democratic peoples republic of korea (dprk) on thursday celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of its armed forces, the korean peoples army. 本周四,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国庆祝其武装部队朝鲜人民军建军70周年。 a military parade started be...

  • 拯救亚洲象巡回展览来到云南

    16-02-17 a touring exhibition dedicated to saving the asian elephant is coming to southwest china's yunnan province, a major home for the endangered pachyderms. 一场致力于拯救亚洲象的巡回展览在中国西南部省区云南展开,云南是濒危亚洲象的主要栖息地。 first held...

  • parade blue 阅兵蓝

    15-09-24 according to a report by the environment protection authority, beijing's pm2.5 index remained excellent for six days from aug 20 to aug 25, and the media has called the blue sky in beijing during this period parade blue . 北京市环保局的一份报告显示...

  • 国际社会称赞习近平9.3阅兵讲话

    15-09-07 the international community has lauded chinese president xi jinping's speech at the sept. 3 v-day parade on tian'anmen square in the heart of beijing, saying that xi's speech highlighted china's dedication to maintaining peace and stability. 国际社...

  • 俄罗斯举行胜利日阅兵

    14-05-09 russia has held a huge parade to mark 69 years since the soviets defeated the nazis. 俄罗斯举行一场盛大的阅兵纪念苏联击败纳粹69周年。 some 11,000 personnel were taking part in the parades president vladimir putin told onlookers that the iron will of...

  • 朝鲜举行停战纪念阅兵

    13-07-27 north korea has staged a huge parade to mark the 60th anniversary of the armistice that ended the korean war. 朝鲜举行了盛大的阅兵仪式,纪念朝鲜战争停战60周年。 state tv showed soldiers and military hardware parading through the capital pyongyang in...

  • 金正恩首次发表公开讲话

    12-04-15 north korean leader kim jong-un has made his first televised speech, as pyongyang marks the centenary of the birth of the country's founder. 朝鲜纪念其开国元勋金日成诞辰百年之际,新任领导人金正恩做了首次电视演讲。 in front of cheering crowds, the ne...

  • 俄举行盛大阅兵 庆卫国战争胜利

    10-05-15 莫斯科时间5月9日上午10点(北京时间9日下午2点),俄罗斯在莫斯科红场举行盛大的阅兵式,庆祝卫国战争胜利65周年。这是俄罗斯近20年来参与人数最多、规模最大的红场阅兵仪式,此次阅兵式有多支外国军队参加,开创历史先河。 russian president dmitry medvedev speaks b...
