
  • 印度将向私人开放核能源市场

    10-08-26 india's lower house of parliament has approved a law that opens its nuclear power market to private investment. 印度议会下院通过一项法案,向私人投资领域开放核能源市...

  • 联锁饭店我家妈妈被拍卖

    10-08-02 pan-asian restaurant chain wagamama is being put up for sale by its private equity owner, it has been reported. 有报道称,泛亚联锁饭店我家妈妈将被其私人股份所有者拍卖。 lion capital bought wagamama in 2005 majority owner lion capital is hoping to se...

  • 温家宝会见中外记者精彩语录

    10-03-19 --china needs to strike a balance between maintaining a relatively fast and stable development, economic structural adjustment and management of inflation expectation to avert a possible economic double dip this year. 中国经济今年必须处理好保持经济...

  • 2012年手机应用软件销售将高达175亿美元

    10-03-18 the global appetite for mobile applications will explode over the next two years, new research suggests. 一份新调查显示,全球范围内对手机应用软件的需求会在未来两年之内迅速增长。 the success of apple's app store has spawned an industry of imitators a...

  • 尼日利亚失控卡车冲进集市,造成100多人死亡

    09-12-21 up to 100 people have been killed after a runaway truck ploughed into a crowded market in nigeria. 尼日利亚一辆失控卡车冲进一个拥挤的集市,造成多达100人死亡。 officials said 55 people died, but a bbc reporter at the scene, in kogi state, counted at...

  • 萨科奇和布朗号召全球金融改革

    09-12-10 british pm gordon brown and french president nicolas sarkozy have issued a joint call for urgent global reform of financial markets. 英国首相戈登布朗与法国总统尼古拉萨科奇发布一项联合公告,号召全球金融市场迫切进行改革。 the leaders say only global c...

  • 巴基斯坦拉合尔集市发生炸弹爆炸事件

    09-12-08 two bomb blasts have ripped through a busy market in the centre of pakistan's second largest city, lahore, killing at least 36 people, police and medics say. 巴基斯坦第二大城市拉合尔市某热闹的集市发生两起炸弹爆炸事故,至少36人被杀。 the attack, whic...

  • 调查:资本主义自由市场存在缺陷

    09-11-09 twenty years after the fall of the berlin wall, a new bbc poll has found widespread dissatisfaction with free-market capitalism. 柏林墙推倒20年之后,bbc的一项新调查发现,公众对自由市场资本主义普遍不满。 the fall of the wall looked like a crushing vi...

  • battle of the smartphones begins 智能手机之战已然展开

    09-10-16 smartphones are going mass market, fuelled by the public's insatiable appetite for social media, analysts say. 据分析称,因公众对社会媒体贪得无厌的胃口的需求,智能手机将进入大量市场销售期。 blackberry offers improved typing they predict an explosion...

  • uk games market being 'strangled' 英国游戏市场被“严密保护”

    09-08-20 one of germany's largest video games publishers has said that the uk's retail chains make it difficult for publishers to break into the uk market. 德国最大的视频游戏生厂商之一称,英国的零售链条使外国出版商难以进入英国市??the lack of royalties for...
