
  • pump iron 举重锻炼

    21-04-23 在汉语里,有人开玩笑用 举铁 来幽默地表示 通过举重来锻炼身体。与之相对应的英语搭配是 pump iron 举重健身,做重量训练,这个搭配用动词 pump 打气 来比喻举重时身体和四肢上下运动的样子;名词 iron 铁 代指 哑铃、杠铃等重物。pump iron 是一个口语说法。 例句 yo...

  • burn off the calories / pounds 运动减脂

    21-04-23 搭配 burn off the calories 燃烧卡路里 或者 burn off the pounds 减重 的意思是通过大量体育锻炼 消耗热量,减脂。动词短语 burn off something 本身指能量或脂肪 消耗、燃烧 的过程。在谈论健身减重的语境中,burn off the calories 和 burn off the pounds 的使用...

  • a gym bunny 健身迷

    21-04-22 a gym bunny 一只健身兔 用精力旺盛、蹦来蹦去的兔子来比喻 一位非常关注自己的体形体态、酷爱健身的人。a gym bunny 也可以用来暗示一个人 比较虚荣,过分在意自己的外貌,这个用法带有贬义色彩。 例句 robbie is such a gym bunny! he spends more time at the gym t...

  • 自主健身小贴士

    21-02-24 你通常多久锻炼一次?近年来,很多人都开始热衷于通过健身运动来保持身体健康。如果你也想设计一套适合自己的锻炼计划,从而拥有令自己满意的身材或改善健康,却没有足够的资金雇用私人教练,那么应该怎样着手准备呢? its very common these days for people to have...

  • 东京开设“女仆陪练”健身馆

    17-02-07 maid cafes have been a big part of japanese pop culture for a while now, but the maid phenomenon is transitioning into other areas as well. for example, a new gym near tokyos famous akihabara district offers patrons the chance to work out while assi...

  • workout impostor 假装锻炼族

    16-05-08 a workout impostor is someone who walks around in workout or gym-like clothing to give the effect that they have worked out or gone to the gym today or are planning to work out or go to the gym today when in reality they have not or are not going to...

  • 想象锻炼也能达到实地健身的效果

    14-12-28 a new research study suggests that just thinking of exercising can have the same effects as actually hitting the gym, officials say. 最新研究显示,想象自己在锻炼,也能达到实地健身的效果。 a recent study published in the journal of neurophysiology fo...

  • resolutionist 新年计划族

    13-06-09 a resolutionist is a person who joins the gym in early january because of their new years resolution but doesnt follow through with it afterwards. resolutionists can be spotted by their pasty white skin, excessive fat, poor form, and blank look on t...

  • 伦敦健身房推出“真人沙袋”

    11-10-22 英国伦敦市中心一家名为gymbox的健身房日前推出一种真人沙袋,平日里供顾客击打的沙袋里面站了一个真人,他可以模仿某些毒舌明星用讽刺和侮辱等方式对顾客进行挑衅,以让他们充分发力,消耗更多热量。 gym-goers take a swipe at simon cowell look-a-like andy monk t...

  • three shot dead by us gym gunman 美国一男子体育馆射杀三人

    09-08-05 a man has killed at least three people at a gymnasium in the us state of pennsylvania, before shooting himself. 宾夕法尼亚一人在体育馆射杀至少三人,随后自杀。 another 10 people were injured by gunfire in the town of bridgeville near pittsburgh, afte...
