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22-10-14 据美国《国会山报》10月7日报道,一名举报人声称,665名联邦调查局(fbi)雇员为逃避纪律处分,在接受行为不端调查后退休或辞职。该匿名举报人向艾奥瓦州参议员查克格拉斯利提供了一份司法部内部报告。报告显示了在2004年至2020年间fbi雇员的离职记录,其中包括45名高...
22-07-25 how has this position evolved since it was created? 从设立这个职位以来,这个职位发成了怎样的变化? getting a brief history on the role should clear up whether the position has expanded over the years or has been a dead end for employees, palmer says...
22-07-25 1. having to be reminded. 你总得催催催 yes, we all let things slip through the cracks now and then. however, its been my experience that some employees are the same ones that need to be consistently llowed up with when others seem to be able to resp...
21-12-10 伴随着辞职人数的上升,美国的用工荒越发严重,雇主们不得不绞尽脑汁留住现有人才。为了留住业务骨干的心,美国的公司们纷纷开展劝留面谈。 americans are walking away from their jobs in record numbers as remote work has uncoupled jobs from geography, and dro...
21-03-12 全国政协委员指出,当前我国的996问题处于企业失控、监管失序、工会失灵的状态,要改变996工作文化,不是那么简单的事。 members of chinas top political advisory body have proposed reinforced and effective supervision to stop companies overworking their emp...
20-12-29 going to work can be a slog, especially if your job is full of tedious tasks and pointless meetings. obviously, work is necessary to earn an income, and if you get good job satisfaction its a bonus! but what can make it more worthwhile are the extra...
20-11-16 for many white-collar workers around the world, the recent pandemic has meant having to work from home. their usual office location has been out of bounds. this means different working practices, which have advantages and disadvantages for employees...