
  • 全球变暖将改变英国的强降雨模式

    12-11-21 it appears that it's not just us brits who are fascinated(着迷) with the uk weather. a group of researchers from germany has taken to investigating the potential changes in extreme rainfall patterns across the uk as a result of future global warmi...

  • 12-11-08 climate scientists cannot attribute any single weather event -- whether a drought, wildfire or extreme storm -- to climate change. but extreme events, such as hurricane sandy, are glimpses of the types of occurrences the world could be more vulnerab...

  • 加州是极端天气的“故乡”

    12-11-05 california isn't going to face a superstorm like hurricane sandy because the pacific ocean is too cold to feed that kind of weather system. but that doesn't mean california won't see extreme weather, say researchers from the university of california...

  • 天气恶劣易导致家暴事件

    12-10-21 police have blamed a sharp rise in domestic violence on the weather claiming rain drives up attacks.、 英国家庭暴力事件急剧增多,但警方将这一现象归咎于恶劣的天气,称阴雨天气会使家暴增多。 officers in devon and cornwall said bad weather leads to part...

  • 荷兰可能对误报天气的预报员进行惩罚

    12-07-16 荷兰一些地方议员最近提议对错误预报天气状况的预报员进行罚款,称这些糟糕的预报严重影响了当地的海滩旅游经济。 local councillors in the netherlands are calling for weather forecasters who get their predictions wrong to be fined. the demand comes from la...

  • 小火山爆发能使气候变凉爽

    12-07-06 a u of s-led international research team has discovered that aerosols(气溶胶) from relatively small volcanic eruptions can be boosted into the high atmosphere by weather systems such as monsoons(季风) , where they can affect global temperatures....

  • 热带风暴黛比袭击美国佛罗里达

    12-06-26 tropical storm debby has drenched the us state of florida, bringing flooding to parts and leading the governor to declare a statewide emergency. 热带风暴黛比袭击美国佛罗里达州,造成局部地区爆发洪灾,佛州州长宣布全州进入紧急状态。 the knot of low pre...

  • 美国中西部遭遇龙卷风袭击

    12-04-15 tornadoes have hit a large swathe of the us midwest, with forecasters warning of further severe weather. 龙卷风袭击了美国中西部大片地区,更恶劣的天气即将来临。 storms were reported in kansas, iowa, nebraska and oklahoma, but no injuries have been re...

  • 气象记录与气候变化密切相关

    12-03-26 the past decade has been one of unprecedented weather extremes. scientists of the potsdam institute for climate impact research (pik) in germany argue that the high incidence of extremes is not merely accidental. from the many single events a patter...

  • 美国土拨鼠预测天气

    12-02-11 2012年2月2日,美国宾夕法尼亚州旁苏托尼镇,约1万5千人聚集于此,见证当地最著名的天气预测土拨鼠费尔公布天气预测结果:冬季还有6星期结束。 groundhog day celebration in punxsutawney, pennsylvania winter 2012 will have an extended stay on america's calenda...
