
  • 一些容易望文生义的词语

    14-03-14 small potato 小人物 russian dressing 蛋黄酱 a greek gift 别有用心的礼物 dutch wife 竹、藤睡具 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 seven-hill city 罗马 eight-ball 老实人 to the tens 打扮得极为华丽 a white day 良晨吉日 a white elephant 贵而无用之物 yellow bo...

  • potato一词用法多

    13-01-31 potato一词特别有意思。sweet potato(甜土豆)即是白薯(山芋),这样的命名特别有趣。potato常可用以指人,例如small potatoes原意是鸡毛蒜皮等微不足道的东西,但更多用以指小人物微不足道的人(类似上海方言萝卜头)。he is a small potato.也常被学生作为口头禅,...

  • 三个盗贼 three robber

    13-01-31 a brunette(深色的) , a redhead, and a blonde were robbing a supermarket when a police officer walked in the store. the three women decide to hide in three potato sacks. the cop kicks the first bag, and the brunette says, meow, the cop says, oh, it...

  • 金枪鱼烤土豆

    12-11-26 baked potato with tuna ( serves one) preparation time: 2 minutes cooking time: 1.5 hours large baking potato can of tuna tablespoon of mayonnaise (optional) knob of butter(optional) salt and pepper to season wash the potato, dry off and pierce skin...

  • desk potato 桌边神游族

    12-02-29 desk potato is someone who sits at a desk all day long but gets little to nothing done -- usually because of websurfing or playing computer games. the term is derived from couch potato. desk potato(译为桌边神游族)指整天坐在书桌边,却不见有任何事情...

  • 改善土豆块茎的口味

    11-07-12 by honing in on the mysterious potato genome and its tuber(块茎) its edible(可食用的) portion researchers are unveiling the secrets of the world's most-important nongrain food crop. robin buell, michigan state university plant biologist, is part...

  • 土豆基因组解码成功

    11-07-10 an international team of scientists based in scotland has decoded the full dna sequence of the potato for the first time. 一支由国际科学家组成的位于苏格兰的小组首次解码土豆的全部基因序列。 the breakthrough holds out the promise of boosting harvests...

  • 爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒真菌的研究有新突破

    10-11-18 scientists are reporting a key advance toward development of a way to combat the terrible plant diseases that caused the irish potato famine(饥荒,饥饿) and still inflict(造成,遭受) billions of dollars of damage to crops each year around the wo...

  • guns buried in the garden 埋在花园里的枪

    09-10-17 guns buried in the garden an old man lived alone in northern ireland. his only son was in prison. the old man wanted to plant some potatoes in his garden but he didn't know anyone who would help him plow up the garden. he wrote to his son about it,...

  • killer genes cause potato famine 致命基因导致马铃薯疫病

    09-09-10 the killer mould behind potato blight has a giant genome, say scientists. 科学家称,导致马铃薯疫病的霉菌有一组巨大的基因。 about one million people died in the famine in the 1840s and 50s potato blight was a major cause of the mid-19th century irish...
