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22-02-28 1. perplexed 困惑的;不知所措的;纠缠不清的 perplex是动词,本意是使困惑,指各种复杂的事物令人伤脑筋,感到费解或难以解决。 we were perplexed by his failure to answer the letter. 他为何不回信,我们十分迷惑。 2. puzzled 困惑的;迷惑的 puzzle的本意是使...
22-02-22 穷追不舍,汉语成语,意思是坚持追赶不放松。可以翻译为keep after,be in hot pursuit of或press hard upon等。 例句: 警察穷追不舍,终于在一个小山村抓到了他。 the police kept after him until they finally captured him in a small village. 穷追不舍她开车迅...
22-01-10 2021年,全国公安机关深入推进净网2021专项行动,聚焦人民群众关切的突出网络违法犯罪和网络乱象,共侦办案件6.2万起。专项行动取得了显著成效。 amid a targeted national campaign, chinese police in 2021 investigated and handled 62,000 cybercrime cases, accor...
22-01-04 据公安部消息,2021年全国公安机关深入开展团圆行动,累计找回历年失踪被拐儿童1万余名。 chinese police helped a total of 10,932 missing or abducted children return home in 2021 via a nationwide campaign of tuanyuan,meaning reunion in chinese, according...
21-12-28 据美联社报道,上个月,美国俄亥俄州一座长18米的人行天桥被盗,目前天桥已经找到,一名63岁男子正面临相关指控。警方声称,他向一家卡车运输公司支付了起重机服务费,将桥偷运走。 a 58-foot-long (18-meter) pedestrian bridge stolen from an ohio city last month...
21-10-29 挺身而出,汉语成语,形容面对着艰难或危险的事情,勇敢地站出来。可以翻译为step forward bravely (boldly),come out boldly等。 例句: 警方呼吁证人挺身而出。 police have appealed for witnesses to come forward. 他挺身而出,对这种谬论加以反驳。 he stepped...
21-09-02 近日,一部取材自真实案件的网剧火了。这就是孙红雷、张艺兴和刘奕君等主演的《扫黑风暴》,从8月9日上线至今,已突破27亿播放量。 two years ago, li eryun and huang xing, co-producers of crime crackdown who both work for tencent video, read a lot of news st...
21-07-21 cook the books 字面意思是煮书,其实是比喻做假账来欺骗他人。 例句 the police arrested john today. hes suspected of cooking the books. the auditors found that the fast food chain has been cooking the books for years. 请注意 另一个含有cook 煮饭一词的成...
21-07-16 herring 鲱鱼是一种深受欧美当地人喜欢的鱼,为了便于保存,它常被腌制或者熏成鱼条。经过处理的鲱鱼是红色的,被称为 red herring。不过在英语里,red herring 另有含义,是用来比喻那些为了让人分散注意力而提出的不相干的观点,甚至是错误的信息。这一比喻可能源于...
21-06-29 日前,中国刑事警察学院的警犬技术学院通过官方网站发布《淘汰犬出售公告》,表示将以竞拍的形式出售已考核淘汰的受训犬。该条公告一出,吸引了众多网友围观。 a police training academy in northeastern liaoning province is looking for permanent homes for over...