
  • piercing eye 火眼金睛

    20-08-28 火眼金睛,原指《西游记》(journey to the west )中孙悟空能识别妖魔鬼怪的眼睛。后用以形容人的眼光锐利,能够洞察一切( take in all with ones observant eyes),可以翻译为 piercing eye;eagle-eyed,sharp-sighted。 例句: 孙悟空火眼金睛,妖魔鬼怪辨得清。...

  • 19-08-15 at least six police officers were wounded in a shooting wednesday afternoon in the u.s. city of philadelphia, according to local officials, but none are believed to have life-threatening injuries. 周三下午美国费城发生枪击案,至少六名警察受伤,不过据...

  • 19-08-08 chinas first robot traffic police have started working in the city of handan in hebei province, reports handan daily. 中国第一台机器人交通警察在河北邯郸投入使用。 three types of robots were unveiled by handan police on wednesday. there are patrol ro...

  • 19-06-19 an international counter-terrorism forum hosted by chinas armed police force opened in beijing tuesday. 中国人民武装警察部队周二在北京举办国际反恐论坛。 with the theme special force sniping, the four-day event, great wall-2019 international forum on...

  • 斯里兰卡复活节爆炸案已逮捕89人

    19-05-22 at least 89 suspects have been arrested over their alleged links to the easter sunday terror explosions, the police said on tuesday. 斯里兰卡警方周二表示,复活节恐怖袭击案至少有89名疑犯被逮捕。 the suspects are currently under the custody of the cri...

  • 19-04-29 a sequel to hong kong film awards winner chasing the dragon is set for release in june. 香港电影金像奖获奖影片《追龙》续集将于6月上映。 the film marks the reunion of directors jason kwan and jing wong. the sequel will see an increase in the scale of...

  • 19-04-26 a photo of the worlds highest-altitude police station posted by the chinese actor-director wu jing on weibo was corrected by the national immigration administration in a post that has gone viral on social media in china. 吴京一条世界上海拔最高的派出...

  • 19-04-22 the death toll from the multiple blasts that ripped through sri lanka on sunday rose to 228 while 450 others were injured, local media quoting hospital sources said. 斯里兰卡当地媒体援引医院消息称,周日发生的多起爆炸案死亡人数已升至228,另有450人受...

  • 19-03-19 a two-month-old puppy arrived in kunming earlier this month to receive professional training from the local police, reported stdaily.com. it is chinas first cloned police dog. 本月初一只两个月大的小狗抵达昆明接受当地警方的训练,它是中国第一条克隆警...

  • 19-01-31 police in chinas coastal province of zhejiang, and alipay on tuesday jointly announced plans to establish a new strategic partnership to prevent cyber crime. 本周二,浙江警方与支付宝联合宣布,计划建立一种新式战略伙伴关系以打击网络犯罪。 both sides w...
