
  • 12-08-02 police in peru say they have seized $2.3m in counterfeit notes. 秘鲁警方称,他们缴获了230万美元假币。 they say the notorious quispe rodriguez family clan is behind the production of fake currency. peruvian police chief, raul salazar, said the gang w...

  • 12-07-07 因未能清理居住环境周边的积水和蚊子滋生地,导致登革热病菌传播,斯里兰卡首都科伦坡日前有53人被警方逮捕,他们将面临罚款及最高6个月的入狱处罚。 police arrested 53 people for failing to eliminate stagnant water(积水,死水) and other mosquito breeding g...

  • 12-07-04 police have carried out searches of the home and offices of former french president nicolas sarkozy as part of a campaign financing probe. 法国警察对前总统尼古拉萨科奇的家庭和办公室展开搜查行动,以调查他的竞选融资情况。 a law firm in which mr sarkoz...

  • 12-07-02 a gunman wearing an afghan police uniform has killed three nato staff in the south of the country, the coalition has said. 一名身着阿富汗警服的枪手在阿富汗南部地区杀死三名北约工作人员。 the gunman was injured and later detained, nato said. officials...

  • 12-06-16 英国斯塔福德郡警方近期发布一则广告,在当地招募志愿者免费为他们清洗并保养警车,称此举每年能帮助警方节约5500小时的时间,同时还能减少警局的支出。 a police force in britain has advertised for members of the public to wash and valet(清洗汽车) its patro...

  • 12-06-13 a wave of bombings in six iraqi provinces, including 10 locations in baghdad, has killed 62 people and wounded dozens more, iraqi police say. 伊拉克警方称,包括巴格达城10处地区在内的六个省区发生一波爆炸案,造成62人死亡、数十人受伤。 many of the dead...

  • 12-06-11 a robber in a hurry struck at three banks along a stretch of kings highway in brooklyn in a span of about 30 minutes on friday afternoon, the police said. 警方称,上周五下午,一名抢劫犯在30分钟时间内迅速袭击了布鲁克林区国王高速公路边 上的三家银行。...

  • 12-06-11 police in luoyang, henan province, have apologized over a case in which six women are alleged to have been held as sex slaves. two of them were murdered. 河南洛阳市警方已就6名女子被囚禁做性奴一案表达歉意。6名性奴中已有2人被杀害。 上文中的sex slaves...

  • 12-06-06 a suicide bomber has killed at least 21 people in an attack on a hotel near the afghan city of kandahar. 一名自杀式炸弹袭击者在阿富汗坎大哈城某旅馆附近发动袭击,造成至少21人死亡。 provincial police chief abdul raziq said drivers working to supply na...

  • 12-06-02 thank you, chuck, for that very kind introduction. chuck is a proud police officer, he's the proud parent of a police officer, and he has dedicated his life to law enforcement and their families. so i want to thank him for his extraordinary service....
