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12-05-22 chinese president hu jintao has praised the military and armed police for their contributions in non-combat military operations , referring to activities such as disaster relief work. 国家主席胡锦涛赞扬了全军和武警部队在抢险救灾等非战争军事行动中的...
12-05-14 they are among the most academically gifted in the country and are destined for glittering futures. 剑桥大学的学生堪称天之骄子,注定前程大好。 however, the police and paramedics(护理人员) were forced to intervene following the stupidity or misguid...
12-05-08 a senior police officer in the restive south-western pakistani province of balochistan has been shot dead by unidentified gunmen, officials say. 巴基斯坦一位高级警官在西南部动乱省份俾路支省被一名不明身份枪手射杀。 shahnawaz khan was gunned down outs...
12-04-19 mexican police say they have seized more than 250,000 bullets that were being smuggled into the country from the us. 墨西哥警方称,他们缴获了25万多发从美国走私入境的子弹。 mexico wants the us to restrict the flow of weapons and ammunition across the...
12-04-10 malawi's new president joyce banda has sacked the country's police chief peter mukhito, state media have reported. 马拉维新总统乔伊丝班达解雇了警察局长彼得穆克黑图。 ms banda was sworn into office on saturday following the death last week of preside...
12-03-21 the funeral of coptic pope shenouda iii has taken place in the egyptian capital, cairo. 科普特教皇欣诺达三世的葬礼在埃及首都开罗举行。 st mark's cathedral was packed with mourners paying their respects to the 88-year-old pope who died on saturday. h...
12-03-18 英国一项为期18个月的警察薪资及工作状况综合调研日前提出建议,要求取消警队内部强制裁员的禁令;同时建议所有警员每年进行体能测验,连续三次未通过者将面临减薪。 all police officers should be made to take an annual fitness test, with a pay cut for those wh...
12-02-16 a police stopped a motorist who was speeding on the street. but officer, the man said, i can explain. just be quiet, snapped the officer. i'm going to put you in jail until the chief gets back. but ,officer, i . i said to keep quiet! you are going t...
12-02-13 a couple who defriended a woman on facebook were murdered in their home in an attack a us sheriff described as the worst i've ever seen. 美国田纳西州的一对夫妇在facebook上与一名女子解除了好友关系,却没想到在家中惨遭谋杀。美国一位警长说,这是我见到过...
12-01-29 iran's morality police are cracking down on the sale of barbie dolls to protect the public from what they see as pernicious western culture eroding islamic values, shopkeepers said on monday. 伊朗一些店主本周一称,为防止有害的西方文化侵蚀伊斯兰价值...