
  • be in a class of one's own 无与伦比,出类拔萃

    21-12-07 表达 be in a class of ones own 描述一个人 拥有比别人更强的素质或技能 或 在某个方面比别人做得更好,出类拔萃。它也可以用来描述某事物 比同类的质量更好,无与伦比。表达 be in a league of ones own 也表示同样的意思。 例句 in terms of natural ability on the...

  • to each one's own 萝卜青菜各有所爱

    21-06-09 萝卜青菜各有所爱,中文俗语,意思是指人各有志,各有不同的喜好与兴趣。与英文习语to each ones own意思相近,表示everyone has a right to have different preferences or make different choices。 例句: 嘿,萝卜青菜各有所爱。我不会因此而评判你。 hey, to each...

  • dance to the beat of one's own drum 我行我素

    21-05-09 表达 dance to the beat of ones own drum 跟着自己的鼓点跳动 或 march to the beat of ones own drum 跟着自己的节拍走 用来表示行为举止与众不同、我行我素。人们多用这个说法来形容一个人不随大流、特立独行。 例句 my brother never liked working in a conventio...

  • measure other people's corn by one's own bushel 以己度人”

    21-03-26 以己度人,汉语成语,意思是:拿自己的心思来衡量或揣度别人,用自己的心思去猜度别人,包含贬义。可以翻译为judge others against ones own value,或用习语 measure other peoples corn by ones own bushel表示。 例句: 因为他们自己历史上真的就这么干了上百年,所...

  • have no views of one's own 人云亦云

    21-03-22 很多人容易受外在环境的裹挟,随波逐流,人云亦云。人云亦云,汉语成语,指没有主见,只会随声附和。可以翻译为have no views of ones own,repeat what other says。 例句: 他没有自己的主见,只会人云亦云。 he had no opinions of his own but simply followed the...

  • get your own way 随心所欲,为所欲为

    20-11-09 短语 get your own way 的意思是 劝服别人按你喜欢的方式做事,以达到自己的目的。它从侧面突出了某人性格强势,控制欲强,随心所欲。 get your own way 通常和频率副词 always(总是)、never(从不 ) 搭配使用。你也可以用 get your own way 的另一个形式 have it y...

  • get your own way 控制欲强,随心所欲

    20-09-08 短语 get your own way 的意思是 劝服别人按你喜欢的方式做事,以达到自己的目的。它从侧面突出了某人性格强势,控制欲强,随心所欲。 get your own way 通常和频率副词 always(总是)、never(从不 ) 搭配使用。你也可以用 get your own way 的另一个形式 have it y...

  • mind your own business 少管闲事

    20-09-02 当你告诉某人 mind your own business 时,你是在告诉这个人不要干涉或打听他人的隐私,少管闲事。这是一个相当直接的短语,通常用来斥责他人,且往往在某人提出问题后使用。这里,名词 business 指 某人的私事。 例句 stop sticking your nose into my affairs! mind...

  • please let me have a little world

    15-04-14 please, my dear, be so generous as to let me have a little world of my own. if you find me scrawling on a piece of paper, please don't peep over my shoulders. it may be that i'm venting some pent-up feelings, long dennied expression, or trying to co...

  • follow your own course 走自己的路

    10-05-26 follow your own course neil simon don't listen to those who say, it's not done that way. maybe it's not, but maybe you will. don't listen to those who say, you're taking too big a chance. michelangelo would have painted the sistine floor, and it wou...
