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14-11-25 the term of the loan is fifteen years. 贷款期限为15年。 we have a short lease on our current premises. 我们有一个短期租赁现有房屋的合同。 they were granted the lease on condition that they paid the legal costs. 在支付法定费用的条件下他们可获得租赁权...
13-12-19 the governor of japan's capital, tokyo, has resigned after admitting he received money from a scandal-hit hospital chain ahead of an election. 日本东京都知事辞职,他承认在选举前接受一家卷入丑闻的连锁医院提供的金钱。 mr inose said the money he receiv...
12-08-22 the term zombie debtor refers to someone who is unable to pay off the capital of the loan, and whose repayments only service the interest charge. 僵尸债务人是指无法偿还贷款本金,只能偿还利息费用的人。 in britain, it is feared that 3.5m people will t...
12-07-19 china has pledged $20bn in credit for africa over the next three years, in a push for closer ties and increased trade. 为推动双边关系与贸易合作,中国承诺在未来三年之内向非洲提供200亿美元贷款。 president hu jintao made the announcement at a summit in...
12-04-28 hi. this week, i got the chance to sit down with some impressive students at lorain county community college in ohio. one of them was a woman named andrea ashley. two years ago, andrea lost her job as an hr analyst. today, she's getting certified in...
11-06-03 a common reading of the recent subprime mortgage crisis(次贷危机) pins the blame on bankers and loan brokers who extended mortgages to those who could not afford them, thereby inflating a housing bubble that was destined to burst. while technicall...
10-08-24 officials from pakistan are holding talks with the international monetary fund to discuss its $11bn loan package. 巴基斯坦官员正在与国际货币基金组织就110亿美元贷款计划进行会谈。 officials says more than 16 millions people have now been affected by t...
09-11-09 china has pledged to give africa $10bn (6bn) in concessional loans over the next three years, chinese premier wen jiabao has said at a summit in egypt. 中国总理温家宝在埃及峰会上宣布,中国未来三年内会向非洲提供100亿美元特惠贷款。 china has cultivate...
09-10-20 troubled us bank cit has been offered a $6bn (3.7bn) loan from investor carl icahn as it tries to avoid bankruptcy. 陷入困境的美国银行cit接受投资者卡尔伊坎60亿美元贷款以避免破产。 cit provides funding for small and medium-sized firms mr icahn said t...
09-08-21 germany has said it would be prepared to give a 4.5bn euros ($6.4bn: 3.9bn) loan to carmaker opel if its favoured suitor is chosen to take over the firm. 德国准备给予汽车商奥佩尔45亿欧元贷款,如果有厂商愿意接手该公司。 gm may announce its opel decis...