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21-06-23 in the bedroom of young andy davis, a desperate outlaw was about to be captured. as a group of toys gathered in a quiet western townmade out of a row of cardboard boxes the outlaw suddenly appeared. all right, everyone, this is a stickup! said andy...
21-03-07 i love going out with my mate jerry. people stare at him with admiration. some even ask for his autograph. but jerry isnt famous. he just bears a resemblance to someone who is: the actor daniel radcliffe. yes, harry potter himself! and it has a magi...
21-02-27 通过问愚蠢的问题能挖掘出名人内心深处的想法吗? chat shows are the staple of late night entertainment tv in many countries. the us has some of the most famous hosts and the shows are syndicated worldwide. jon stewart does comedy; oprah winfrey goes f...
21-02-23 计算机程序设计应该是个男性工作的领域,对吗?仅从目前的从业人数来看,男性程序员的人数超过女性从业人数,但曾经一度可不是这样的。 heres a simple challenge: name a famous inventor. perhaps renaissance polymath leonardo da vinci springs to mind. or the p...
20-12-13 英语中的 后缀(suffixes)指位于词尾、用来修饰词根的字母搭配。比如:-ness、-al、-ity、-age。后缀通常用来表示一个词语的词性。例如,名词 brightness 的意思是 明亮、亮度,它由表示事物特质或状态的后缀 -ness 与形容词 bright 组合而成,所以 brightness 指 物...
16-05-17 famous negro athletes adrian matejka after jean-michel basquiat we are all famous sunday mornings at the y. that magnificent rattled-rim space of bigtiming sundays. gym bag hung over the shoulder of a matching sweatshirt sundays. touch one toe then...
14-07-24 i have always wondered at the passion many people have to meet the celebrated. the prestige(威望) you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account. the celebrated develop a...
12-12-20 the significant inscription(题词,铭文) found on an old key --if i rest, i rust-- would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. even the most industrious(勤勉的) person might adopt it with advantage...
11-09-17 she's pipped rihanna, justin bieber and lady gaga to the title. yet she's in diapers, can't sleep through the night yet and is a long way off from eating solid foods. 贝克汉姆襁褓中的爱女虽然还穿着尿不湿,不能睡整觉,只能吃流食,但她已经在明星榜上击...
11-08-05 讲求严谨,注重逻辑的英语十分忌讳语义重复,英语中除了像save and sound, bag and baggage等少数几个押头韵习语外,一般难以见到类似的无意义重复。请看下面例子: (1)道路崎岖不平。 赘译:the road is rough and bumpy. (2)祝你圆满成功! 赘译:i wish you com...