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10-11-13 美国南卡罗来纳大学一位社会学教授将于明年春季开始为学生开设一门名为lady gaga和名人社会学的课程,对这位雷人教母的成名之路及其社会学意义进行深入的研究。 the university of south carolina has developed a sociology course dedicated to the life, work and r...
10-11-06 nearly one in 11 graduates are unemployed six months after leaving university the highest proportion for 17 years, a study reveals today. 英国今日发布的一项调查显示,近1/11的大学毕业生在离校六个月后还未能就业,达到了17年来的最高比例。 rising numbers...
10-10-20 in the united states, friends often share intimate details of their lives and problems. however, such self- disclosure(揭露,揭发) is much less common in japan. a new study by an american researcher living in japan finds that this may be because o...
10-10-09 今年10月7日是俄罗斯总理普京58岁的生日,一群俄罗斯女大学生为了给普京庆生,专门拍摄和制作了一本她们身穿内衣的性感挂历,该系列性感挂历已于本周二和周三分别在莫斯科两家大型超市公开发售,每册售价260卢布(约合8.71美元)。 the russian women are all named as...
10-09-26 the first cultivar(培育植物) of 'ōhelo berry, a popular native hawaiian fruit, has been released by u.s. department of agriculture (usda) scientists and their university and industry cooperators. 'helo (vaccinium reticulatum smith) is a small, na...
10-08-22 harvard retains the crown as top university for the eighth year in an annual ranking of the world's universities which is dominated by the united states but shows china's performance improving. 一项世界大学年度排名日前出炉,哈佛大学连续第八年高居排...
10-07-25 business secretary vince cable is to propose a graduate tax linked to post-university earnings, replacing the current system of tuition fees, as part of major reforms to higher education. 英国商务大臣文思凯博日前提议按照英国大学生毕业后的收入水平对...
10-07-13 a tiny clay fragment(碎片) dating from the 14th century b.c.e. that was found in excavations(挖掘,发掘) outside jerusalem's old city walls contains the oldest written document ever found in jerusalem, say researchers at the hebrew university of...
10-03-13 世界上首款用残余巧克力做燃料,用胡萝卜、土豆淀粉和亚麻布等材料制成的f3赛车于近日问世。这款赛车最高时速可达135英里,能在2.5秒内起步加速至60英里,并且绝对环保。 a formula 3 race car that researchers from the university of warwick in britain have retro...
09-10-27 it is appropriate on an anniversary of the founding of a university to remind ourselves of its purposes.it is equally appropriate at such time for students to reflect on why they have been chosen to attend and to consider how they can best benefit f...