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22-05-27 11. all my love and thanks to you. 对你,我只有爱和感激。 12. i thank you most warmly. 由衷感谢你。 13. thank you for never letting me down. 谢谢你从未令我失望。 14. it was so awesome of you. 你这人真好。 15. words cant describe how thankful i am....
21-11-01 在国内学到的是: - could you help me with xxx? - no problem! 而在国外听到的往往是: - thank you! - no problem. 有时甚至: - oh sorry! - no problem!...
21-11-01 在美国,每次下公交车的时候,大家都会礼貌地对司机表示感谢,有次看到四个小哥鱼贯而出,每个人表达感谢的语句都不同。 除了常见的thank you very much!,thanks a lot!以外,就是appreciate it! appreciate it,完整意思就是: i appreciate what you have done for...
21-06-04 1. i cant thank you enough. 我对你感激不...
21-05-28 1. i cant thank you enough. 我对你感激不...
16-12-16 1. 如果你耽误了别人的时间 不要说: sorry, im kind of a drag. 对不起我太拖拉。 请说: thank you for spending time with me. 谢谢你花时间陪我。 2. 如果你莫名其妙地对别人发了脾气 不要说: sorry, im not making a lot of sense. 对不起我刚才不讲道理。 请说...
16-04-06 take care in the right instances, especially for personal emails, this works. 在适合的情况下,尤其是私人邮件,这个很有用。 thanks lett says this is a no-no. this is not a closing. its a thank-you, she insists. i disagree. forbes leadership editor fr...
15-10-05 saying thank you is good manners. that's not up for debate. but we do need to talk about the way to respond when being thanked. you need to say something, right? many people, particularly in the us, reply to thank you with you're welcome. 毫无疑问,...
12-08-17 in our life, we have rarely expressed our gratitude to the one who'd lived those years with us. in fact, we don't have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones closet to usthe ones so easily overlooked. if i have learned anything about giving tha...
11-11-27 millions of brits have ditched the traditional 'thank you' and replaced it with the less formal 'cheers', according to a poll. 根据一项民意调查,数百万英国人不再用传统的thank you来表达谢意,代之以不太正式的cheers。 although the average person will s...