
  • 华裔寿司师傅做出运动鞋寿司

    17-05-27 if youre a sushi chef, churning out hundreds of california rolls a day probably gets old fast. one sushi chef is changing the game by shaping his offerings into some of todays most popular athletic shoes. 如果你是一位寿司师傅,那么每天机械制作几百个...

  • 美国公司出售婴儿高跟鞋引质疑

    17-04-06 a us footwear company has sparked outrage among consumers and campaign groups over a range of high heeled shoes for babies. 美国一家鞋业公司因为一系列宝宝高跟鞋激起了消费者和社会运动团体的愤怒。 pee wee pumps, which makes soft shoes for infants, des...

  • sneakerhead 运动鞋迷

    17-03-31 sneakerhead is a person who collects, trades, or is passionate about running shoes. 运动鞋迷指的是收集、交易或者对运动鞋非常痴迷的人。 a sneakerhead may also be highly experienced in distinguishing between real and fake replica sneakers. sneaker col...

  • 奥地利公司推出世界首款马蹄专用跑鞋

    16-12-09 for over 2000 years, the good old iron horseshoe has remained the only reliable footwear for horses, but an austrian company is ready to take the horse out of the iron age with the worlds first equine running shoes, the megasus horserunners. 两千多...

  • 日本大师推出高度仿真的巧克力鞋

    16-12-06 featuring perfectly replicated seams, soles and shoelaces, as well as impressively realistic finish, these life-size chocolate shoes seem made of genuine brown leather. 缝合线、鞋底、鞋带都高度仿照实物,并经过精心打磨,这些实物大小的巧克力鞋子就像是...

  • 鞋类装备词汇

    16-10-12 flip-flop 人字拖 slipper 拖鞋 moccasin 软拖鞋 sandals 凉鞋 court shoes 船鞋 close toe sandals 不露趾凉鞋 slingback 露跟凉鞋 peep toe 鱼嘴鞋 sun glasses 太阳镜 sunhat 太阳帽 goggles 泳镜 sunscreen umbrella 遮阳伞 sunscreen lotion 防晒霜...

  • 特蕾莎·梅:最喜欢的东西是鞋子

    16-09-19 theresa may has said her shoes are the greatest love of her life and that she dislikes her nose, in a revealing personal interview with a local magazine. 在当地杂志的一次个人采访中,特蕾莎梅曾表示,鞋子是她的最爱,而她对自己的鼻子不太满意。 the prim...

  • the economics of running 跑步经济

    16-06-23 there are two areas in which runners are prime consumers: footwear and events. in addition, runners often spend on other areas, such as apparel, accessories, books, magazines, coaching, specialty food and drink, and so on. the number of runners is i...

  • 医生建议不应长时间穿着洞洞鞋

    16-06-17 love them or hate them, crocs -- the rubber clogs that started out in 2002 as boater-floaters for jimmy buffett types in florida but have now sold more than 300 million pairs in 90 countries are here to stay. 卡洛驰于2002年创建在佛罗里达,当时是为划...

  • 学龄孩童上课不穿鞋成绩更好

    16-06-04 schoolchildren who attend their lessons wearing no shoes are likely to obtain better grades and behave better than those who wear them, a decade-long academic research has revealed. 一项为期十年的研究显示,学龄孩童不穿鞋上课比穿鞋上课时成绩更好,表...
