
  • 中国在南沙群岛安放生态保护设施

    19-01-02 china put facilities related to ecological protection and restoration into service on three reefs of the nansha islands on tuesday, according to the ministry of natural resources. 中国国土资源部表示,周二已将生态保护与恢复的设施放到南沙群岛三个岛礁...

  • 夏威夷颁布防晒产品禁令

    18-05-19 in an effort to save its at-risk coral reefs, hawaii has become the first state to pass a law banning specific sunscreen products. 为了拯救夏威夷濒危的珊瑚礁,夏威夷州成为美国首个对特定防晒产品颁布禁令的州。 the new law prohibits the sale and distri...

  • 加勒比海珊瑚礁“将在未来20年内消失”

    14-07-02 many of the caribbean's coral reefs could vanish in the next 20 years, according to a report published by the international union for the conservation of nature (iucn). 国际自然保护联盟的一份报告显示,加勒比海很多地方的珊瑚礁将在未来20年内消失。 hea...

  • 研究发现以珊瑚为食的扁形虫

    14-04-14 new research from the university of southampton has identified a coral-eating flatworm as a potential threat for coral reefs. it is barely possible to see the parasitic worm amakusaplana acroporae when it sits on its favourite hosts, the staghorn co...

  • 拯救珊瑚礁于濒危边缘

    13-09-04 shocks caused by climate and seasonal change could be used to aid recovery of some of the world's badly-degraded coral reefs, an international team of scientists has proposed. a new report by australian and swedish marine scientists in the journal f...

  • 中太平洋海域曾存在未知的鲨鱼品种

    13-04-07 the gilbert island reefs in the central pacific were once home to two species of sharks not previously reported in historic records or contemporary studies. the species were discovered in a new analysis of weapons made from shark teeth and used by 1...

  • 影响加勒比海珊瑚礁生长的因素

    13-01-30 coral reefs build their structures by both producing and accumulating calcium carbonate, and this is essential for the maintenance and continued vertical(垂直的) growth capacity of reefs. an international research team has discovered that the amou...

  • 世界珊瑚礁数量锐减

    11-02-24 three-quarters of the world's coral reefs are at risk due to overfishing, pollution, climate change and other factors, says a major new assessment. 一项新的评估显示,由于过度捕捞、污染、环境变化以及其它因素的影响,世界上3/4的珊瑚礁处于危险之中。 hea...

  • 隔离是海洋鱼类种族延续的一大威胁

    10-07-07 at first glance it may seem like a good idea to be a fish living the quiet life on a small and isolated reef. but a team of researchers has found that the opposite is the case(情况属实) on australia's great barrier reef. using 15 years of long-ter...

  • 追踪珊瑚虫幼虫以加深对珊瑚的了解

    10-06-10 scientists can predict almost to the hour when the reef-building rice coral off oahu will spawn(产卵,大量生产) , but no one knows where the resulting floating coral larvae(幼虫,幼体) go. from june 11-16, 2010, the u.s. geological survey, the u...
