
  • 13-01-20 young women in a village in india have been banned from wearing jeans and t-shirts because elders say they encourage rape. 印度一座村庄的年轻女性被禁止穿牛仔裤和t恤,因为村中的长者说这种衣服会鼓励强奸。 lawmakers in khedar, in the hisar region of no...

  • 13-01-16 a convicted pedophile will be offered chemical castration for the first time in south korea, local media reported tuesday. 韩国媒体周二报道,韩国将对一名恋童癖罪犯实施化学阉割,这是韩国首次动用此刑。 上面报道中的chemical castration就是化学阉割,是对...

  • 13-01-10 the sixth accused of december 16 gang rape in delhi claims to be a minor and is seeking to get advantage of his young age to ward off chances of facing severe punishment. 12月16日印度德里轮奸案的第六名被告自称是未成年人,试图利用自己的年龄来减小被判...

  • 13-01-10 三周前发生在印度首都新德里的轮奸案让很多女性比以往更加担忧自己的人身安全,各类防身术课程和辣椒防狼喷雾的需求剧增。 after nearly three weeks of lurid(可怕的) reporting on a horrifying gang rape in new delhi, women in the indian capital say they are...

  • 12-08-26 police choose not to investigate rape complaints more often than any other type of violent crime, as one in nine allegations is written off, new analysis shows. 最新研究显示,与其他类型的暴力犯罪案件相比,警察更不爱调查强奸投诉,有九分之一的强奸指控...

  • 11-12-15 nearly 20% of women in the us are raped or suffer attempted rape at some point in their lives, a us study says. 美国一项调查显示,美国将近20%的女性在她们生命中的某一刻曾遭到强奸或者强奸未遂。 even more women, estimated at 25%, have been attacked by...

  • 10-05-19 skid row 贫民街,贫民窟 a rundown section of a city characterized by drunkards living on the street. 城市的破旧区域,常见到许多酒鬼露宿街头。 例句: after his divorce, mike became a drunk down on skid row. 离婚之后,迈克尔沦落为贫民街的酒鬼。 slush...

  • 09-09-04 the first details have emerged of how the dugard family is faring since the release of jaycee lee, who was abducted and held for 18 years in california. 幼年时期在加利福尼亚被拐骗并拘禁达18年之久的jaycee lee被解救之后,jaycee所属dugard家庭的详细资料...

  • 09-08-19 an australian radio show on which a teenager revealed she had been raped has returned to the airwaves. 一家曾经报道过少女自称被强奸广播节目的澳大利亚广播台恢复广播。 kyle sandilands and jackie o host the breakfast radio show djs kyle sandilands and...

  • 09-08-04 an australian radio show has been pulled off air after a lie detector stunt saw a 14-year-old girl say she had been raped. 一家澳大利亚广播电台停播,此前播出过一个14岁的女孩使用测谎仪声称自己被强奸的节目。 kyle sandilands and jackie o host the break...
