
  • 妻子意外死亡 美国电视制片人被拘留

    10-04-09 mexican police have detained a us tv producer days after he reported his wife missing from a resort in cancun. 一位美国电视制片人因为报道其妻子在坎昆某度假胜地失踪的消息而被墨西哥警方扣留。 the couple were staying at cancun's moon palace resort bruc...

  • 英国警方放弃mypolice.org域名

    10-04-02 the government's police inspectorate has backed down after protests from social media activists over its choice of name for a new website. 在遭受社会媒体活动分子的抗议之后,英国政府警方检查员放弃了为其新网站改域名的想法。 the sites offer different -...

  • 乌干达男子火烧布干达皇家坟墓

    10-04-01 a man has turned himself in to ugandan police and confessed to setting fire to five royal tombs of the traditional buganda kings earlier this month. 一位乌干达男子向警方自首,承认自己在本月早些时候防火烧了五座布干达国王的皇家坟墓。 the fire caused r...

  • 英机场安检员用“裸检”机器拍女同事裸照

    10-03-27 英国伦敦希思罗机场一名负责操作全身扫描安检仪器的员工对一位误入该扫描区的女同事全裸身体影像拍照,并对其进行了猥亵性的评论。这位女同事发现后立即向上级和警方报告了此事,并称此事对她打击很大,都无法继续工作。目前,这名违规使用安检仪器的员工已收到警方警...

  • 七名安哥拉警官因谋杀罪被判24年

    10-03-23 seven angola police officers have been sentenced to 24 years in jail each for killing eight men - in a rare case of police brutality being punished. 七名安哥拉警官因杀死八个人被判处有期徒刑24年,这是一起罕见的警察因使用暴力而被惩罚的案件。 it is not...

  • 塞浦路斯三座主教坟墓被破坏

    10-03-22 cyprus police have arrested a romanian man suspected of vandalising the tombs of three archbishops in a cemetery in the capital city of nicosia. 塞浦路斯警方逮捕了一名罗马男子,该男子涉嫌毁坏首都尼科西亚一座墓地里三位大主教的坟墓。 the desecration w...

  • 南非正筹备沙佩维尔大屠杀50周年纪念活动

    10-03-21 south africans are preparing to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the sharpeville massacre, an iconic moment in the nation's liberation struggle. 南非人正在筹备沙佩维尔大屠杀50周年的纪念活动,该活动是南非解放斗争的标志性事件。 the 1960 sharpeville...

  • 泰国总理拒绝抗议者提出的退位要求

    10-03-15 thai prime minister abhisit vejjajiva has appeared on national tv to reject a demand from demonstrators that he quit by midday and call elections. 泰国总理阿披实维乍集瓦在国家电视台上发表讲话,拒绝示威者提出的退位以及举行选举的要求。 pm abhisit has...

  • 犯罪术语9

    10-03-12 labor racketeering 工会诈骗 corrupt practices and organized crime that involve organized labor. 涉及工会的腐败行为和团伙犯罪。 例句: the new york union leader was convicted of labor racketeering. 纽约的工会领袖被判有工会诈骗罪。 homicide 杀人,他杀...

  • 尼日利亚49人因参与暴力杀人被判刑

    10-03-11 nigerian police say 49 people are to be charged with murder after communal violence left scores of villagers dead. 尼日利亚警方称,上周日发生的暴力事件导致大量村民死亡,49名嫌疑犯被判处杀人罪。 police and troops have stepped up patrols in the area m...
