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20-11-20 1 microneedles could enable painless injections and blood draws barely visible needles, or microneedles, are poised to usher in an era of pain-free injections and blood testing. whether attached to a syringe or a patch, microneedles prevent pain by...
20-11-17 科学家们说,他们正与时间赛跑,在新物种灭绝之前为它们提供命名和描述。英国皇家植物园 邱园(royal botanic gardens, kew)称,植物和真菌有望成为未来的药物、燃料和食品。 kews state of the worlds plants and fungi report shows an estimated 140,000 plants ar...
20-02-11 对症下药,汉语成语,意思是医生针对患者病症用药(apply medicine according to indications)。常用来比喻针对事物的问题所在,采取有效的措施,可以翻译为suit the remedy to the case,find specific ways (to solve problems)。 我们迫切需要采用对症下药的战略。...
19-02-20 chinas national medical products administration (nmpa) approved 18 new cancer medicines in 2018, up 157 percent on 2017, said an nmpa official tuesday. 中国国家药品监督管理局一位官员周二表示,2018年有18种抗癌新药获批准,比2017年增长157%。 cancer med...
18-12-05 the faculty of engineering at the university of hong kong (hku) and the harvard john a. paulson school of engineering and applied science (harvard seas) signed a memorandum of understanding (mou) in hong kong on sunday to set up a laboratory for ins...
17-07-13 china has become the second largest consumer of medicine in the world, an official at china food and drug administration (cfda) said wednesday. 中国食品药品监督管理总局的一位官员周三表示,中国已成为世界上第二大药品消费国。 according to wu zhen, depu...
17-06-03 bikini medicine refers to the medical practice, research, and funding that focuses solely on the female breasts and reproductive system. 比基尼医疗指的是仅针对女性乳房和生殖系统的医疗实践、研究和资助。 bikini medicine is an informal term that refers...
17-01-20 anti-smog teas have become more widely available in chinese medicine shops, pharmacies and online sites. 中国中药店、药房和网络上出售的抗霾茶越来越多。 there are different recipes, but they generally are made up of chinese herbs such as dried flower...
16-07-14 tom was very proud of his dog blackie. whenever he got the chance, he would ask his dog to please his friends with some tricks. one day tom went to visit his friend jack who was sick at home with a bad cold.how are you feeling? asked tom.worse than...
16-03-29 the national health and family planning commission and the ministry of science and technology have announced that chinese scientists will draw up a precision medicine project. 国家卫计委和科技部近日宣布,中国科学家将拟定精准医疗计划。 精准医疗(prec...