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21-08-12 当一个地方被比喻为 a hive of activity 时,要表达的意思是此处看上去非常忙碌,一片繁忙的景象。 例句 la bouqueria market is a hive of activity on a saturday morning, with vendors selling all sorts of food and drink. welcome to the department! its a rea...
14-07-24 honey bees, especially the young, are highly sensitive to temperature and to protect developing bees, adults work together to maintain temperatures within a narrow range. recently published research led by philip t. starks, a biologist at tufts univ...
09-07-24 honeybees sterilise their hives with antimicrobial resin, scientists have discovered. 科学家发现,蜜蜂通过抗菌树脂来使蜂箱无菌。 bees thrive in a clean colony in doing so, they give the whole colony a form of social immunity, which lessens the need...