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13-09-30 pouring a glass of wine is rarely an exact measurement, especially in a social setting(社会环境) . while most people think of a glass as one serving, in reality it could be closer to two or three. just how much one pours is influenced by a variety...
13-06-28 the antibacterial effects of silver are well established. now, researchers at yonsei university in seoul, republic of korea, have developed a technique to coat glass with a layer of silver ions that can prevent growth of pathogenic bacteria includin...
13-06-21 朋友聚会时,大家都忙着玩手机,没人愿意好好聊天?巴西一家酒吧推出了一款专治聚会玩手机现象的啤酒杯,酒杯底部只有一侧有脚,其余部分需要用手机垫着,杯子才不会倒。这样,大家在放下酒杯想要看手机时,只能望机兴叹,转而跟朋友们聊天交流了。 salve jorge bar in...
12-10-17 the snow started to fall several hours before her labor began. a few flakes first, in the dull gray late-afternoon sky, and then wind-driven swirls and eddies around the edges of their wide front porch. he stood by her side at the window, watching s...
12-09-25 影片对白 linda: enjoy the new book! customer: thanks, linda! linda: bye, now. yes, mom, i'd love to visit, but who would take care of blu? mom! they don't have kennels for parrots. here's your hot chocolate, blu! just how you like it. plus, i don't...
12-05-14 high temperature is blamed for the cracking of safety glass in those cases, but experts said the fundamental cause of glass rain is the government's inattention to the safety of glass curtain walls. 专家认为,高温致使安全玻璃自爆固然是导致这些事故的...
12-04-07 if you think texting while walking is dangerous, just wait until everyone starts wearing google's futuristic, internet-connected glasses. 如果你认为边走路边发短信很危险的话,就等着看所有人都佩戴谷歌公司开发的具有前瞻性的智能上网眼镜吧。 these glasse...
11-06-17 glasses differ from crystals. crystals are organized in repeating patterns that extend in every direction. glasses lack this strict organization, but do sometimes demonstrate order among neighboring atoms. new research from carnegie's geophysical la...
11-05-26 the grotto fanny howe let's make believe we're lying together on our backs. the lumps(肿块) in the floor are dirt and grass and the blackbirds(画眉) tickle us with their claws until we chirp and laugh. this is fearlessness. the sky wears no bell...
10-06-29 clean glass joe and fred were helping to build a house in a village. the weather was very warm, there was a lot of dust everywhere, and by half past twelve, they were very thirsty, so they stopped work to have their lunch. they found the nearest sma...