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22-12-05 1 动词 contact 指 联系,联络(某人) ,以提供或获取信息。 the doctor contacted me this morning to tell me the results of my tests. i will contact my lawyer about this document. 2 名词 contact 可以指 联系,联络。常见搭配有:in contact (with) (与某人...
22-10-17 the marriage was on the point of breaking up after two months because aureli-ano segun-do, in an attempt to placate petra cotes, had a picture taken of her dressed as the queen of madagascar. when fernan-da found out about it she repacked her bridal...
22-10-10 闪人的方式有很多种,最奇葩的可能是这种:鬼闪(ghostlighting),不打招呼就消失,如果被找到就装作不认识,伤人不说还弄得别人一头雾水。 ghostlighting refers to ceasing all communication with someone and then, when they attempt to contact you, pretending...
22-09-15 即使从未见面,依然可以相恋。历史上从来不乏见字如面的爱情,而互联网的出现,更是彻底打开了网恋的大门。 falling in love sight unseen, often through the written word, has been happening for centuries. the web has only made it easier. 网恋为何越来越普遍...
22-05-23 据英国《卫报》5月17日报道,中国科学家研发了一种能无线感知眼压并能按需递送青光眼药物的隐形眼镜。这种柔性隐形眼镜无需电池,设计紧凑,或成为很有前景的青光眼治疗系统。相关成果近日发表于《自然通讯》。 a contact lens that can release a drug if it detects...