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22-12-05 1 through 可以用来表示 穿越,穿过地点或实体空间。 we pushed through the crowd to get to the front. walk through the park and youll see the cafe. 2 through 可以用来表示 从始至终,一直。 we sang and danced through the whole concert. i cant believe i s...
22-05-26 11. do you have a favorite local restaurant? 你有最喜欢的餐厅吗? 这个问题能让人们谈论起日常休闲的地方,使大家放松。 12. whats your favorite movie? 你最喜欢哪部电影? 人们对电影的喜好能反映个人特点。接下来还可以问些具体的问题,比如谁最抢戏、片中的演...
22-04-11 this concert will be a good opportunity for her to stage a comeback. 这次演唱会是她再度走红的好机会。 if this singer makes a comeback, she will regain her popularity! 如果这位歌手能够东山再起,她将重新赢回人气。 back in school we made fun of jones b...
22-02-28 horde的意思是(人)群,短语in their hordes就是 一大批。 when they heard the concert was free, they came in their hordes. 当听说音乐会免费的时候,人们大批地涌来。 形容一群还有这些表达: 1 flock一群;一批(人或物) these cases all attracted flocks of fam...
21-11-17 go bananas字面看是奔跑的香蕉,是不是脑中突然有了画面感其实该短语意为发疯,发狂,情绪失控,关于其起源有两种说法: 一种是说go bananas类似于go ape(猿),后者有发疯、发狂的意思,两者放在一起很容易让人联想到猴子、猿、猩猩看到香蕉高兴得要发狂的样子; 还...
21-09-02 如果你 make a beeline for 某人或某物,就是说你径直的快速向某人或某物那里去,直奔过去。 例句 as soon as the concert is over, we should make a beeline for the car, because i dont want to get stuck in traffic. the tired and thirsty travellers made a be...
21-09-01 我们可以把低质量的或是不真实的东西称为 a load of rubbish. 例句 did you see that england football match? it was a load of rubbish. they will never win the world cup. i was really excited about seeing justin bieber in concert but he was two hours late...
21-08-13 a window of opportunity 就是机遇之窗的意思,指可以做某事的一个短暂时机或可能。 例句 ive got a window of opportunity to talk to my boss about a pay rise tomorrow. meet me in reception - there might be a window of opportunity for me to let you into th...
21-07-07 英语表达pleased as punch 和潘趣一样开心用来形容人非常快乐,心花怒放。这个说法比较老派,出自英国著名的传统木偶戏《潘趣和朱迪》(punch and judy)中生性邪恶却总是洋洋得意的主人公潘趣先生(mr punch)。 例句 he looks pleased as punch in that photo taken...
20-12-03 in unison 是一个实用的短语,用来形容人们在行动、说话或表演时 步调一致,十分协调。比如:可以用 in unison 形容两个人或一群人 同时地 做某事,或 和谐地 演唱或演奏。 例句 the concert was amazing. the two soloists and the choir sang beautifully in unison...