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turning the lemons into lemonade
"every individual is unique and endowed with talents and experience that willdetermine his or her destiny. we should not follow blindly in another's footsteps, but lessonslearned from the experience of others can be invaluable."——li ka-shing
李嘉诚,(1928年7月29日——)长江实业集团有限公司董事局主席兼总经理,和记黄埔董事局主席。1928年出生于广东潮州,1940年全家逃难到香港。1958年开始投资地产市场。1979年,“长江”购入老牌英资商行“和记黄埔”,李嘉诚因而成为首位收购英资商行的华人。作为著名企业家、慈善家,李嘉诚是这个社会的成功榜样。1981年获选为“香港风云人物”、1981年委任为太平绅士、1989年获英女王颁发的cbe勋衔、被评选为1993年度香港“风云人物”。曾是1999年亚洲首富、2013全球福布斯排行榜第8位。2014年,李嘉诚以2000亿元的财富排名大中华区富豪首位,全球第12位。其旗下公司和记黄埔有限公司(“和黄”英文全称:hutchison whampoa)是业务遍布全球的大型跨国企业,一向锐意创新,并勇于采用新科技,经营多元化业务,包括全球多个市场最大的货柜码头经营商、零售连锁集团、地产发展与基建业务,以至技术最先进的电讯服务。和黄截至2010年度经审核营业额约为港币3260亿元(420亿美元)。和黄在全球52个国家经营五项核心业务,雇员超过24万人,核心业务有港口及相关服务、地产及酒店、零售、能源、基建、投资、电讯等业务。2012年财富世界500强排行榜排名第362位。2013年排名363位。
turning the lemons into lemonade
——li ka-shing
just when you think you have lived long enough to see everything under the sun, somethingcomes along that you cannot begin to understand, yet explain. this is how i feel with the recentand fervent media discussion about whether young men and women should want to be "me". theseriousness with which is flabbergasting and rather amusing as the premise of the question seemsshallow. every individual is unique and endowed with talents and experience that will determinehis or her destiny. we should not follow blindly in another's footsteps, but lessons learned fromthe experience of others can be invaluable.
frankly speaking, i am happy i am myself! that said, it does not mean that at times i havenot yearned to be a medical doctor, a scientist, or a professor golfer. to me, the joy in life is notthe destination but the difficult journey.
su dongpo the poet spoke of "meals without meat, sickness without medication , housewithout a roof..." in describing an impoverished life devoid of daily necessities. my childhood wasspent in abject poverty circumstance much worse than what su described. in this difficult stage, ican also in character, ability, emotion and personality interests have to look for exploration of thetaste of happiness.
this recent debate has promoted me to reflect on my journey and to ponder what might bedifferent if i had to start all over again. life is filled with so many "what ifs"! they areunpredictable and beyond our control. what if war hadn't destroyed my childhood? what if myfather had not passed away when i was still a child? what if i had the opportunity to stay inschool? given my passion for medical knowledge, would i have become a doctor? would mypassion for reasoning and discoveries have driven me to become a scientist?
of course, i shall never know because fate has destined me for something else. in the process,however, i learned something of great value——even amid adversity and challenges we can fireup our capabilities and become more than what we thought we could be.
when i was growing up, life in hong kong was truly harsh and often cruel . society's safetynet then was near non-existent. the fear of starving and sickness was very real. education was aprivilege enjoyed by only a select few. and impoverishment could be a life sentence . today'snewly found abundance has moved us beyond these conditions, basically providing an adequatecushion for most. poverty now goes far beyond the absence of money to include an acute sense ofdisillusionment towards hope and even opportunity. many fear or perceive that the gateway togenerational progress seems to be narrowing, making it more difficult to escape the confines ofdisadvantages. i understand these fears as i have lived them. no one wants to be doomed topoverty, but where is the exist?
i quickly discovered that trying to find a formula for success in life would be a futileendeavor . i should focus instead on differentiating between things which are within my control.
if success is my goal, it is important to control things within my power that can turn the tidearound. i must recognize the shackles of poverty- i must escape the dangerous tentacles ofdisease, ignorance, dishonesty and apathy .
i could control apathy and dependency by being disciplined in my conversation,commitments, it can build up trust; and your character will exude discipline, order and humility.
you are elements aligned that has a multiplier effects: as it better prepares you to addresscircumstances that are out of your control and when the time comes you will have the courage andthe know-how to follow the road which will lead how your life will flow. in the process, you willdiscover the truth winston churehill offered so many years ago: "difficulties mastered areopportunities won. attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."you are capable of turning the lemons thrown at you into lemonade. when you develop amap for your soul, you will discover the part of you that loves life, the part of you that isanalytical, capable and responsible, and the part of you that is principled, idealistic, and able to allof you. today you are proud to be a part of shantou university. tomorrow shantou universitywill be proud of you.
thank you very much. good luck. i wish you all the best.
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