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moving forward
"i am excited by our mission of empowering the world and believe in our futuresuccess."
——steve ballmer
史蒂夫·鲍尔默(steve ballmer),微软公司前首席执行官兼总裁,在2006年亿万富翁列表中,被福布斯杂志排在24位,拥有资产136亿美元。鲍尔默于1980年加盟微软,先后担任微软公司销售支持执行副总裁,微软公司总裁。2014年2月退任。
史蒂夫·鲍尔默最引人注目的特点就是“易于激动”。激动的时候,鲍尔默习惯于把任何东西都强调三遍,他是天生的销售明星和演说家,一站上演讲台就会有难以抑制的澎湃活力。本文为史蒂夫·鲍尔默的告别声明和告别演讲。演讲中他身着一件黄色polo衫,嗓门洪亮,含泪告别。这一次不再是向google或苹果宣战,没有豪言壮语,只有七尺男儿解甲归田前的不舍。他连声感谢自己的员工,并称微软是他的“whole professional world”,是他的孩子。这是典型的steve ballmer——激情四射,情绪化,他独具个人特色的演讲风格一直饱受争议,但当他离开这个舞台后,兴许所有人都会怀念他。
鲍尔默的告别演说以电影dirty dancing的片尾曲time of my life结束。他说这是他最爱的一首歌,他之前始终找不到机会来播放,但在这一刻他认为是完美的。
moving forward——steve ballmer
aug. 23, 2013
i am writing to let you know that i will retire as ceo of microsoft within the next 12months, after a successor is chosen. there is never a perfect time for this type of transition, butnow is the right time. my original thoughts on timing would have had my retirement happen inthe middle of our transformation to a devices and services company focused on empoweringcustomers in the activities they value most. we need a ceo who will be here longer term for thisnew direction. you can read the press release on microsoft news center.
this is a time of important transformation for microsoft. our new senior leadership team isamazing. the strategy we have generated is first class. our new organization, which is centered onfunctions and engineering areas, is right for the opportunities and challenges ahead.
microsoft is an amazing place. i love this company. i love the way we helped invent andpopularize computing and the pc. i love the bigness and boldness of our bets . i love our peopleand their talent and our willingness to accept and embrace their range of capabilities, includingtheir quirks . i love the way we embrace and work with other companies to change the world andsucceed together. i love the breadth and diversity of our customers, from consumer to enterprise, across industries, countries, and people of all backgrounds and age groups.
i am proud of what we have achieved. we have grown from $7.5 million to nearly $78 billionsince i joined microsoft, and we have grown from employing just over 30 people to almost100,000. i feel good about playing a role in that success and having committed 100 percentemotionally all the way. we have more than 1 billion users and earn a great profit for ourshareholders . we have delivered more profit and cash return to shareholders than virtually anyother company in history.
i am excited by our mission of empowering the world and believe in our future success. icherish my microsoft ownership, and look forward to continuing as one of microsoft's largestowners.
this is an emotional and difficult thing for me to do. i take this step in the best interests of thecompany i love; it is the thing outside of my family and closest friends that matters to me most.
microsoft has all its best days ahead. know you are part of the best team in the industry andhave the right technology assets . we cannot and will not miss a beat in these transitions. i amfocused and driving hard and know i can count on all of you to do the same. let's do ourselvesproud.
ballmer: i just want to enjoy this for a minute.
audience: (cheers.)
ballmer: soak it in! all of you. soak it in.
audience: (cheers.)
ballmer: you work for the greatest company in the world. soak it in. and i want to say thankyou. i want to say thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
audience: we love you! we love you! (cheers.)ballmer: this isn't about any one person, it's about this company. it's about a company that'simportant, that's forward-thinking, that's innovative , that's ethical , that hires great people andlets them lead great lives, that helps people around the word realize their full potential. it's mywhole professional world. microsoft's like a fourth child to me. children do leave the house. inthis case i guess i'm leaving the house.
audience: (chuckles.)
ballmer: my last song is one i've always wanted to use, but it was always deemedinappropriate. it's a great song!
audience: (laughter, applause.)
ballmer: not that kind of inappropriate!
and i wanted to pick a song that was exactly perfect: a song that let me say thank you, songthat looked back retrospectively , and a song that celebrated the future. it's from one of myfavorite movies. it's one of my favorite songs. and i think it has all that in it. it's a song that comesat the very end of the movie, where one of the actors gets up on stage and talks about kind of howhe likes to do things. well, i want to end with this song. respectful -a song that talks about whatyou've done for me and what you've meant for me. you've made this the time of my life. (chokesback tears.) i love you.
上一篇:神奇的时代——比尔·盖茨 下一篇:没有了 |
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