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13-10-25 french mayors and their deputies cannot invoke their freedom of conscience to refuse to perform same-sex marriages that paris legalized last may, the country's constitutional council ruled on friday. 法国宪法委员会10月18日裁定,法国内政部警告公务人...
13-09-16 the first openly gay mayor in mexico's history has been sworn in at a ceremony in city of fresnillo. 墨西哥历史上首位公开的同性恋市长在弗雷斯尼洛市的一场就职典礼中上任。 medrano said reducing gang related violence was his main priority for fresnillo...
13-02-18 wang anshun was appointed vice mayor and acting mayor of beijing wednesday. 本周三,王安顺被任命为北京市副市长、代理市长。 上面的报道中,acting mayor就是代理市长,acting通常指serving temporarily especially as a substitute(临时顶替某人行驶职责),如...
12-08-20 a left-wing mayor of a small town in andalusia has become a modern-day robin hood, organizing robbing raids on local supermarkets to feed the poor of his community. 安达卢西亚地区一个小镇的左翼市长成了现代版的罗宾汉,竟纠集民众抢劫当地的超市接济社区...
12-08-18 impressed by his success in hosting the olympic games, nearly three-quarters of britons now want london mayor boris johnson to become prime minister, according to a survey on saturday. 根据周六的一项调查,伦敦市长伯里斯因为成功举办了奥运会而让英国民...
11-04-09 因接受赠票免费观看nba比赛和演唱会等文体活动,洛杉矶市市长安东尼奥维拉莱戈萨将被罚款4.2万美元,这是加州历史上数额最高的道德罚款。 los angeles mayor antonio villaraigosa has agreed to pay a fine of $42,000 for accepting free tickets to shows and sport...
11-01-23 美国加利福尼亚州奥克兰市新上任的华裔女市长关丽珍(jean quan)获邀出席白宫计划为中国国家主席胡锦涛举行的访美国宴。一同前往白宫赴宴的还有其好友、旧金山华裔市长李孟贤(edwin lee)。 oakland mayor jean quan and san francisco mayor ed lee will attend the sta...
10-05-02 现年29岁,金发碧眼、有着甜美微笑的凯瑟琳伯斯诺尔将在5月25日宣誓成为英国温莎市的市长,她将是英国历史上最年轻的市长。凯瑟琳表示自己当选并不是因为长相,而是她真的了解人们需要什么。 at 29, catherine bursnall will be england's youngest mayor. with her lo...
09-09-02 eu plans to regulate hedge funds are a blatant attack on london's role as an international financial centre, the mayor of the city has said. 伦敦市市长称,欧盟计划规范套利基金对伦敦国际金融中心的地位是赤裸裸的攻击。 boris johnson objects to plans to...
09-07-29 纽约时代广场一名靠与游客合影为生的裸体牛仔打算竞选纽约市长,称要将政府透明度提高到新水平。这位牛仔10年以来一直在时代广场谋生,其标志性形象为脚穿牛仔靴,头戴牛仔帽,身穿紧身白色内裤,游客与他合影需要先付钱。在竞选声明中,这位牛仔表示要在减税、旅游业...