
  • 10-10-26 heavy smoking in midlife is associated with a 157 percent increased risk of developing alzheimer's disease and a 172 percent increased risk of developing vascular dementia(血管性痴呆) , according to a kaiser permanente study published in the archi...

  • 10-09-21 the costs associated with dementia will amount to more than 1% of the world's gross domestic product this year at $604bn (388bn), a report says. 一项报告称,与痴呆相关的花费总计超过世界国内生产总值的1%,今年达到6040亿美元。 the world alzheimer repor...

  • 脑力锻炼可能会在晚年加速痴呆

    10-09-02 new research shows that mentally stimulating activities such as crossword puzzles, reading and listening to the radio may, at first, slow the decline of thinking skills but speed up dementia(痴呆) later in old age. the research is published in the...

  • 10-07-06 a new study shows that having depression may nearly double your risk of developing dementia(痴呆) later in life. the research will be published in the july 6, 2010, issue of neurology, the medical journal of the american academy of neurology. for...

  • 10-02-09 high blood pressure appears to predict the progression to dementia(痴呆) in older adults with impaired(受损的) executive functions (ability to organize thoughts and make decisions) but not in those with memory dysfunction(功能紊乱,机能障碍) ,...

  • 10-01-19 older people who have mental lapses流逝,失效 , or times when their thinking seems disorganized or illogical or when they stare into space, may be more likely to have alzheimer's disease than people who do not have these lapses, according to a study...

  • 研究:记忆测试可检测早期痴呆

    09-11-03 memory and language tests can reliably reveal hidden early dementia, say uk experts. 英国专家称,记忆和语言测试可以可靠地显示隐藏的早期痴呆。 dementia is a progressive disease most dementias are missed for years as the symptoms can be elusive(难捉...

  • 09-09-23 declining financial skills are detectable in patients in the year before they develop alzheimer's, according to us researchers. 美国研究人员发现,阿尔茨海默病人前几年的财务技能被发现有明显下降。 the ability to manage financial matters is critical to...

  • 09-09-22 the future global burden of alzheimer's and other types of dementia has been underestimated, say uk experts. 英国专家称,全球未来阿尔茨海默病和其他种类痴呆的负担被低估了。 increasing life expectancy raises the chances of dementia increasing a report...

  • dementia link to 'mid-life ills' 痴呆与“中年病”息息相关

    09-08-04 middle-aged people who smoke, have high blood pressure or diabetes massively increase their risk of developing dementia, medical experts warn. 医学专家警告道,抽烟、高血压或者患有糖尿病的中年人患痴呆的风险非常大。 high blood pressure raises dementia...
