
  • 烘手器比纸巾更不卫生

    18-04-30 if youre a germophobe who wants to use a public bathroom ever again, you might want to stop reading this. 如果你有洁癖,而且平时需要使用公共卫生间,可能这篇文章你根本读不下去。 because it turns out, while bathroom hand dryers can be more environment...

  • 16-01-27 in 2004 three friends and i headed from tucson to tombstone for the day, as two of my friends were from raf in england and had never been there. it was also my first trip also. after hitting a show, taking a picture where you dressed up in clothes f...

  • 白宫艾森豪威尔行政大楼将启用"中性厕所"

    15-04-30 the white house announced on wednesday a gender-neutral bathroom is now available at the eisenhower executive office building. the decision to open such a restroom was made, according to reports, to protect the rights of lgbt members. 美国白宫9日宣...

  • 14-07-25 据悉,芝加哥节水水龙头公司从去年冬天开始在工厂一楼的洗手间安装刷卡系统,员工出入厕所都需要刷卡。 spend more than 6 minutes a day in the bathroom at chicago's watersaver faucet company and you'll face disciplinary measures. that's what a union conten...

  • 14-03-07 if lloyd grossman were to go through the keyholes of oscar winners' houses, he would find their golden statues in various spots: from prime real estate such as the mantelpiece to the depths of cupboards collecting dust. 如果lloyd grossman有机会进入...

  • 14-03-02 近日某英国公司登了一则广告,并声称这是市场上最悠闲的工作浴缸试用员,该广告一经登出立刻得到了超过50名求职者的积极参与。这家浴缸公司面向社会招募浴室执行官一职,简称beo以检验产品的性能。他们还许诺这将使求职者得到身心的放松,并会附上修剪指甲的服务。 mor...

  • 委内瑞拉卫生纸急缺

    13-05-24 venezuelans scrambled to stock up on toilet paper thursday as fears of a bathroom emergency spread despite the socialist government's promise to import 50 million rolls. 据外国媒体5月16日报道,尽管委内瑞拉政府承诺将进口76万吨食品和5000万卷卫生纸,但...

  • 13-01-20 一项最新研究显示,宾馆房间的卫生间才是最适宜用餐的地方,因为那里卫生状况最好。该研究发现,宾馆的卫生间会定期彻底清洁,细菌含量最少;而靠垫和被子等物品则很少清洁,是宾馆房间中最脏的区域。 holidaymakers should think twice before taking their breakfast...

  • 12-09-23 visitors using the restrooms on the 18th floor of an exclusive new york hotel may get stunning views of the city below through floor-to-ceiling windows - but unfortunately people on the street can see them too. 纽约一家酒店近日因透明厕所备受关注。这...

  • 12-04-27 stan: i won 92 goldfish. fred: where are you going to keep them? stan: in the bathroom 。 fred: but what will you do when you want to take a bath? stan: blindfold(蒙眼睛) them! 斯丹:我赢了 92 条金鱼。 弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们? 斯丹:浴室。 弗雷...
